How to do makeup for glasses quickly and easily and always look at all 100%!
< Points - this is the style and image that requires a certain ability to support it. By correctly chosen rim is possible to change and adjust the shape of the face. And recently there is even a fashion for glasses.
However, women who wear glasses, it is well known that over the glass eye, as it were lost ... It can be corrected with a few makeup tricks of «Website» < br> How to sum glazaChtoby highlight the eyes and visually enlarge them can be used with a light shade of pearl. Also suitable for this purpose bulk ink
. Do not leave without attention loop Eye: thin arrows, made in pencil or liquid eyeliner, make flirtatious look. Avoid too bright at the same time the lipstick colors: Limit translucent gloss natural shades
. The video below shows the charming girl how you can make daily stylish makeup for glasses
! These tips for applying make-up can be useful to your friends: Share with them the article

However, women who wear glasses, it is well known that over the glass eye, as it were lost ... It can be corrected with a few makeup tricks of «Website» < br> How to sum glazaChtoby highlight the eyes and visually enlarge them can be used with a light shade of pearl. Also suitable for this purpose bulk ink
. Do not leave without attention loop Eye: thin arrows, made in pencil or liquid eyeliner, make flirtatious look. Avoid too bright at the same time the lipstick colors: Limit translucent gloss natural shades
. The video below shows the charming girl how you can make daily stylish makeup for glasses
! These tips for applying make-up can be useful to your friends: Share with them the article
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