Traditional Chinese medicine: how to protect the health of the summer
In the summer there is an excess in the heart of "fire", and in the lungs - a lack of "chi" energy. The summer - the hottest time of the year, and at this time the metabolism is activated in the human body. What kind of lifestyle is the most healthy for this time of year? According to Chinese medicine theory, the summer should be kept energy "yang", which strengthens health. To do this, pay attention to the following points.
mood regulation: In summer it is necessary to maintain a smooth quiet mood. You can not go into too sad or too happy mood. After sharp mood swings increase "heat" in the body, while the smooth mood helps a person to endure the heat, it gives an opportunity to feel the cool, the body does not "overheated", and this contributes to the conservation of energy "yang».
Moderate exercise: Sport helps to strengthen muscles, to regulate the circulation of blood and energy. In summer, it is necessary to deal with a slow sport, increasing the load gradually. You can not overwork physically.
Healthy lifestyle: summer all living things in nature is in rapid growth, so you should adjust your regimen and way of life in accordance with the hottest time of the year. In the morning, yet cool and quiet, it is necessary, taking a shower, take a short walk or slow jog in the fresh air.
Beauty Sleep: At noon, it is recommended to get some sleep, not to go out in the heat. Afternoon sleep is also compensate for the shortfall night's sleep.
You can not strive for excessive coolness: The heat should not get involved in air conditioning, for a long time to sit in front of or next to an electric fan turned on. This applies particularly to the elderly, the elderly or people with poor health.
Limitation of power: Power must be adjusted. So, you can not eat only when hungry, and drink only when you experience a strong thirst. Besides, we should not for a meal to eat or drink too much food and fluids. Recommended moderate consumption of fruit and not too cold drinks, which helps to maintain energy "yang" of the spleen and stomach. People with poor health can eat more freshwater fish, the best carp, as well as Chinese dates, nuts. These foods increase the energy of "yang».
Prevention of food poisoning: 70% of cases of food poisoning and intestinal infections is in the summer. Older people and children weakened body resistance, and the function of the stomach and intestines, because they often threaten food poisoning. When poisoning occurs dehydration, so you need to drink more clean and not cold boiled water. Care should be taken, as it should, wash foods thoroughly wash their hands before eating and after using the toilet.
We introduce you to the techniques of the regulation of mood and with the correct mode of the day in summer.
1. Regulation mood
In modern society, with the increasing competition and the pace of life, people are more likely to suffer from physical or mental ailments caused by mental stress and emotions. The new concept of human health requires not only a strong physical health, but also a pleasant mood, a relatively strong adaptability of the organism to the environment and the social environment.
According to the theory of Chinese medicine, mental states can affect physical health and peace of mind allows you to maintain energy balance "yin" and "yang" in the body, promotes the free circulation of blood and vital energy "qi».
In the hot summer, should pay special attention to the regulation of mood and emotional states. In ancient medical treatise "Huang neytszin" ( "Lechebnik Emperor Huangdi") says: It is necessary to stay in a calm and flat state of mind, like the unopened flower, can not be angry, and angry. Only in this way is adjusted energy and blood circulation in the body. Should be interested in and enjoy the world around them.
In the summer it is recommended to have a variety of interests and hobbies. If the situation allows, you can relax in a summer camp, go to the not too tedious journey, to spend the summer at the cottage or resort. This not only improves health, but also gives a good mood. Beauty of nature human pacify, relieve tension and calm the mind and nerves.
2. Regulation lifestyle
In the summer there is an excess in the heart of "fire", and in the lungs - a lack of "chi" energy. In summer the sun rises early and sets late. So one has to go to bed late and wake up early in order to maintain the energy of "yang" in the body. In the morning you can do gentle sports, do exercises in the fresh air. Although the day is long and the weather is hot, still not worth it to throw a little work and move, also shows a slow sport. At noon, the temperature is especially high, and this is the best time to get some sleep. This will be awake until late at night.
Do not chase artificial coolness. Better not to sleep in the yard, do not sleep in damp places, do not sit or sleep on the cold floor. You can not sleep under the fan. Do not dally long in the gazebo by the water, in the shade, on the aisle or on the balcony. You can not be in the yard until late at night. Violation of these prohibitions and recommendations may be accompanied by headache, aches in the joints, lack of sweating; syncope can happen, but you can then trigger a solar or heat stroke.
Clothing summer should be thin, light, well-breathable, which promotes evaporation of heat and sweat. Do not get dressed at the same time extremely easy to open, and as much of the body. In addition, it is necessary to change often and wash clothes.
Better not go to the sweaty clothes, especially since it is not easy to dry. Skin Moisture affects energy "yang" and is followed by rheumatic diseases. Remember, summer is best not to immediately put on clothes that had just dried in the sun and wind! You can trigger a skin disease "chromophytosis" and even other serious illnesses.

mood regulation: In summer it is necessary to maintain a smooth quiet mood. You can not go into too sad or too happy mood. After sharp mood swings increase "heat" in the body, while the smooth mood helps a person to endure the heat, it gives an opportunity to feel the cool, the body does not "overheated", and this contributes to the conservation of energy "yang».
Moderate exercise: Sport helps to strengthen muscles, to regulate the circulation of blood and energy. In summer, it is necessary to deal with a slow sport, increasing the load gradually. You can not overwork physically.
Healthy lifestyle: summer all living things in nature is in rapid growth, so you should adjust your regimen and way of life in accordance with the hottest time of the year. In the morning, yet cool and quiet, it is necessary, taking a shower, take a short walk or slow jog in the fresh air.
Beauty Sleep: At noon, it is recommended to get some sleep, not to go out in the heat. Afternoon sleep is also compensate for the shortfall night's sleep.
You can not strive for excessive coolness: The heat should not get involved in air conditioning, for a long time to sit in front of or next to an electric fan turned on. This applies particularly to the elderly, the elderly or people with poor health.
Limitation of power: Power must be adjusted. So, you can not eat only when hungry, and drink only when you experience a strong thirst. Besides, we should not for a meal to eat or drink too much food and fluids. Recommended moderate consumption of fruit and not too cold drinks, which helps to maintain energy "yang" of the spleen and stomach. People with poor health can eat more freshwater fish, the best carp, as well as Chinese dates, nuts. These foods increase the energy of "yang».
Prevention of food poisoning: 70% of cases of food poisoning and intestinal infections is in the summer. Older people and children weakened body resistance, and the function of the stomach and intestines, because they often threaten food poisoning. When poisoning occurs dehydration, so you need to drink more clean and not cold boiled water. Care should be taken, as it should, wash foods thoroughly wash their hands before eating and after using the toilet.
We introduce you to the techniques of the regulation of mood and with the correct mode of the day in summer.
1. Regulation mood
In modern society, with the increasing competition and the pace of life, people are more likely to suffer from physical or mental ailments caused by mental stress and emotions. The new concept of human health requires not only a strong physical health, but also a pleasant mood, a relatively strong adaptability of the organism to the environment and the social environment.
According to the theory of Chinese medicine, mental states can affect physical health and peace of mind allows you to maintain energy balance "yin" and "yang" in the body, promotes the free circulation of blood and vital energy "qi».
In the hot summer, should pay special attention to the regulation of mood and emotional states. In ancient medical treatise "Huang neytszin" ( "Lechebnik Emperor Huangdi") says: It is necessary to stay in a calm and flat state of mind, like the unopened flower, can not be angry, and angry. Only in this way is adjusted energy and blood circulation in the body. Should be interested in and enjoy the world around them.
In the summer it is recommended to have a variety of interests and hobbies. If the situation allows, you can relax in a summer camp, go to the not too tedious journey, to spend the summer at the cottage or resort. This not only improves health, but also gives a good mood. Beauty of nature human pacify, relieve tension and calm the mind and nerves.
2. Regulation lifestyle
In the summer there is an excess in the heart of "fire", and in the lungs - a lack of "chi" energy. In summer the sun rises early and sets late. So one has to go to bed late and wake up early in order to maintain the energy of "yang" in the body. In the morning you can do gentle sports, do exercises in the fresh air. Although the day is long and the weather is hot, still not worth it to throw a little work and move, also shows a slow sport. At noon, the temperature is especially high, and this is the best time to get some sleep. This will be awake until late at night.
Do not chase artificial coolness. Better not to sleep in the yard, do not sleep in damp places, do not sit or sleep on the cold floor. You can not sleep under the fan. Do not dally long in the gazebo by the water, in the shade, on the aisle or on the balcony. You can not be in the yard until late at night. Violation of these prohibitions and recommendations may be accompanied by headache, aches in the joints, lack of sweating; syncope can happen, but you can then trigger a solar or heat stroke.
Clothing summer should be thin, light, well-breathable, which promotes evaporation of heat and sweat. Do not get dressed at the same time extremely easy to open, and as much of the body. In addition, it is necessary to change often and wash clothes.
Better not go to the sweaty clothes, especially since it is not easy to dry. Skin Moisture affects energy "yang" and is followed by rheumatic diseases. Remember, summer is best not to immediately put on clothes that had just dried in the sun and wind! You can trigger a skin disease "chromophytosis" and even other serious illnesses.
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