15 photos of the warmest on which brightens the soul

art of photography is able to capture the most touching moments in life that are sometimes impossible to capture and store. And in the pictures, they remain forever. < Website publishes a selection of images from which you will be happier in my soul.
All kids should be toys

Photo source: Adme.ruDavay I'll dressing

How good!

first step - to the most loyal fans

Friends, ready, smile!

Oh, please!


Ray of light in the darkness

Where did you say to see?

Copy - paste

Hug you tenderly

What do you -nibud tasty brought?


Can you touch it?


via www.adme.ru/zhizn-dobro/21-fotografiya-ot-kotoryh-na-dushe-stanovitsya-teplo-1297365/
Jin wishes Photoshop takes too literally. It turns hilarious!
15 cool fresh anecdotes, from which weep with laughter!