18+ versions of the same: Men vs Women
It's no secret that the mind of man and woman has certain differences. That is why we tend to perceive the same things from a completely different angle. But otherwise it would be boring to live, is not it?
Breakfast in bed
Cooking soup
tablets from depression
Rolls ... They have all their own! B>
Day pet's birthday
50 shades of gray
Gray - one word, and various associations
Instead of a thousand words ...
But most importantly, you both enjoy, each on its own version of Raffaello!
When you talk to her, "Go, drink a beer with the guys ...»
Nurses different needs, different nannies important ...
Nurses always excited male inspiration ...
When talking about his wife that there are women at work in a team
I've been playing with baby! B>
helped his son make the lessons
I have nothing to wear ...
The woman behind the wheel
When a husband is constantly torn in the garage
The joint shopping trip
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Breakfast in bed

Cooking soup

tablets from depression

Rolls ... They have all their own! B>

Day pet's birthday

50 shades of gray

Gray - one word, and various associations

Instead of a thousand words ...
But most importantly, you both enjoy, each on its own version of Raffaello!

When you talk to her, "Go, drink a beer with the guys ...»

Nurses different needs, different nannies important ...
Nurses always excited male inspiration ...
When talking about his wife that there are women at work in a team
I've been playing with baby! B>

helped his son make the lessons

I have nothing to wear ...

The woman behind the wheel

When a husband is constantly torn in the garage
The joint shopping trip

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