It is difficult to imagine that it is possible to use ordinary cotton swabs so! 15 ingenious ways.
Today, cotton buds - a multifunctional object, and in fact once it came up with only one purpose - to clean the ears. The sticks are a great help for manicure, makeup, and just come in handy in the household.
Our editorial staff has prepared 15 tips for the unusual use of cotton swabs. We hope that these tricks you definitely come in handy!
How to use cotton swabs
Our editorial staff has prepared 15 tips for the unusual use of cotton swabs. We hope that these tricks you definitely come in handy!
How to use cotton swabs
- align the contour of lipstick on the lips
Not very neat looks rasteksheysya contours of the lips lipstick. Fix this trouble to help a wonderful cotton swab, which is in every house.
- Now you're with the spirits inseparable
Not always in the bag has room for a bottle of perfume, and so want to part with your favorite scent. Apply a bit of perfume on a cotton swab, put it in a bag with a zip and enjoy it at any time spirits.
- removes stains from the skin after hair dye
To do this, a special mixture of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. McNee cotton swab into the paste and gently rub soiled place.
- eliminates hair by hair stuck
Hairdryer, like all things in need of care. Regularly clean the dryer parts from dust and hair stuck for better air supply.
- We clean iron
Take a little vinegar and perch in it a cotton swab, thoroughly cleanse all dimples and hollows on the soleplate. This method is good for steel or ceramic surfaces, but not for Teflon.
- to properly apply self-tanning
Typically, the knees, the joints in the hands, ankles, elbows, becomes darker, absorbing more and more money. In order to tanning color was flat, wipe these places cotton swab, removing excess product.
- If you do not unzip
The liquid gel shampoo or dishwashing McNee cotton swab. In the area where the lightning stuck the dog, apply a drop of gel. He will perform the role of lubrication, and lightning zastegnetsya with ease.
- clean the keyboard
Put a pillow cotton swab into alcohol and wipe the keyboard. The wand will collect dust and remove potozhirovye fingerprints.
- Remove the excess nail cuticle with
Dip the end of a cotton swab in nail polish remover tool and gently take away the error.
- Wash your face without water
There are times when there is no water at all, or its use is limited. For example, in a train or plane is not always easy to remove make-up with water.
Take micellar water or tonic and apply a product to a cotton swab. Lightly take away the shadow of a century and mascara to eyelashes
- smudge mascara -. Not a problem
Often, eyelash dyeing, we are one awkward movement smeared mascara. Correct this error will again cotton swab.
Just wipe the problematic place swab dipped in makeup remover.
- Easily glue false eyelashes
Gently with a cotton swab apply glue to false eyelashes. Wait a few seconds and glue them. Your eyes will be velvet.
- Adjust the arrow
It is not always nice and straight arrows are obtained from the first time, but do not worry. After all, there is always a handy cotton swab! Apply some makeup remover on the tip of the wand and take away all superfluous.
- Make the evening make-up
There are situations when the hand is not a favorite set of brushes for makeup. In such cases, we again come to the rescue of cotton buds.
Blend your favorite eye shadow with a stick, and you'll get a great evening make-up.
- Take a cotton swab in the tour
Going on the road, do not take the whole pack of cotton swabs, because space in the suitcase and so little.
Lay down a dozen sticks in a small vial out of the drugs, it will help save valuable space.
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This happens if you pour the vinegar in the washing machine! Perfect result.