"Pie Gagarin" - is the name of my favorite dessert! Prepared very cleverly ...
This extraordinarily effective, delicious and simple dessert is named after the legendary cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.
According to legend, during a cocktail reception in honor of the visit of the first cosmonaut to Poland he was offered this particular pie. He so liked Yuri Alekseevich that since it only as «Pie Gagarin» , do not call.
Suppose you are not afraid of a variety of cooking stages, with the instruction from the «Website» with this dessert handle even a novice in the confectionery business.
«Gagarin Pie" Ingredients 200 g softened butter 4 eggs 2, 5, Art. flour a pinch of salt 7 Art. l. sugar 3 tbsp. l. cocoa powder 1 hour. l. soda (to repay vinegar) 1 cake (200 g) red jelly 200 g of jam or marmalade sour
Preparation Separate the egg whites from the yolks. Proteins send in the refrigerator and add to yolks 2 tbsp. l. sugar and carefully vzbey. Unite yolks with soft butter, stir again. millet flour in a large bowl, add hydrated soda and salt in it. Mix egg-mass Shrove flour. Stir well - do you get a uniform, slightly lipkovatoe shortbread dough, which should not crumble. Kom Divide dough into 3 equal parts. One ball roll in cocoa and continue to press down until it is evenly painted in brown. Each coma do on a small tortilla, wrap each in plastic wrap and send it in the freezer for 1 hour. The dough should be frozen properly, as it will rub on a grater. Grind cake jelly. Proteins vzbey with the remaining sugar until soft foam. Then start slowly pour in the jelly proteins and continue whisking until the taut peaks. The resulting air mass should look like marshmallows. To assemble the cake will be more convenient to use a split mold with high sides. Cover the baking paper it beforehand. One (lighter) frozen dough cake grate directly on the parchment. Top with a layer of jam or marmalade, on top of it with sodium chocolate cake dough. On a chocolate layer evenly distribute the weight of the protein and marshmallow. Sodium last piece of dough. Pie Bake 50-65 minutes at 180 ° C until browning.
"Pie Gagarin", you can cooking and multivarka , but in this case, the top layer does not turn out so rosy. I baked it in the "Baking" mode, just over an hour.
Cake turns elegant and very much like a cake, you can sprinkle it with powdered sugar or cocoa. My family crazy about him, and always ask for supplements! After trying a piece, you also fall in love with him. Bon appetit!
Do not forget to share the recipe for this delicious cake with your friends!

According to legend, during a cocktail reception in honor of the visit of the first cosmonaut to Poland he was offered this particular pie. He so liked Yuri Alekseevich that since it only as «Pie Gagarin» , do not call.

Suppose you are not afraid of a variety of cooking stages, with the instruction from the «Website» with this dessert handle even a novice in the confectionery business.
«Gagarin Pie" Ingredients 200 g softened butter 4 eggs 2, 5, Art. flour a pinch of salt 7 Art. l. sugar 3 tbsp. l. cocoa powder 1 hour. l. soda (to repay vinegar) 1 cake (200 g) red jelly 200 g of jam or marmalade sour
Preparation Separate the egg whites from the yolks. Proteins send in the refrigerator and add to yolks 2 tbsp. l. sugar and carefully vzbey. Unite yolks with soft butter, stir again. millet flour in a large bowl, add hydrated soda and salt in it. Mix egg-mass Shrove flour. Stir well - do you get a uniform, slightly lipkovatoe shortbread dough, which should not crumble. Kom Divide dough into 3 equal parts. One ball roll in cocoa and continue to press down until it is evenly painted in brown. Each coma do on a small tortilla, wrap each in plastic wrap and send it in the freezer for 1 hour. The dough should be frozen properly, as it will rub on a grater. Grind cake jelly. Proteins vzbey with the remaining sugar until soft foam. Then start slowly pour in the jelly proteins and continue whisking until the taut peaks. The resulting air mass should look like marshmallows. To assemble the cake will be more convenient to use a split mold with high sides. Cover the baking paper it beforehand. One (lighter) frozen dough cake grate directly on the parchment. Top with a layer of jam or marmalade, on top of it with sodium chocolate cake dough. On a chocolate layer evenly distribute the weight of the protein and marshmallow. Sodium last piece of dough. Pie Bake 50-65 minutes at 180 ° C until browning.
"Pie Gagarin", you can cooking and multivarka , but in this case, the top layer does not turn out so rosy. I baked it in the "Baking" mode, just over an hour.

Cake turns elegant and very much like a cake, you can sprinkle it with powdered sugar or cocoa. My family crazy about him, and always ask for supplements! After trying a piece, you also fall in love with him. Bon appetit!
Do not forget to share the recipe for this delicious cake with your friends!
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