The death of Gagarin: Rumors and the truth
The death of Gagarin: Rumors and the truth
45 years ago the first cosmonaut died
March 27, 1968 in the village Novoselovo Vladimir region plane crashed MiG-15 UTI, piloted by Yuri Gagarin and Vladimir Seregin instructor.
All that came to this tragedy, it was immediately classified. On the death of Gagarin and Seregin said only 29 of March. But the official documents of the government commission set up to investigate the disaster, as well as the related correspondence and decisions of the CPSU Central Committee for a long time remained a secret storage. It generated a lot of rumors. Today, we can examine these documents stored in the archives of the Russian President and declassified a little less than two years ago, and tell readers about the little-known details of the tragedy.
"The mood is good, no complaints»
Back in the mid-90's pilot-cosmonaut Alexei Leonov told me a story:
- Yura died on Tuesday, and a few days before, on Saturday, we had decided to get a haircut. Did we usually hairdresser hotel "Youth", near the stadium "Luzhniki", at one and the same master named Igor. And when I cut his hair, he sat down behind the desk chair and watched the process.
Yura around his neck was a large mole, about half a centimeter in diameter. And when Igor was the straight razor to trim close to the neck, I told him: "Look, the most beautiful is not sbrey coincidence!" He did not take offense, knew that I was joking, and grunted in reply: "I know, I know ..."
Often, when a person dies, we remember something symbolic, unusual in his behavior. Jura did not have anything, there is no apprehension. But over time the behavior of the barber seemed to me not the same as always. Usually after a haircut, he swept the hair off the floor and threw. But that Saturday he Yura curls neatly gathered and placed in a safe.
Already in the first days after the informational message about the death of Gagarin and Seregin rumors that they flew from the airfield in Zhukovsky in inadequate condition. The document, titled "Conclusion and proposals of the Government Commission to clarify the circumstances of the death of Gagarin cosmonaut Yuri A. and engineer Colonel VS Seregin," dated September 4, 1968, are the main indicators of the health of Gagarin on the morning of March 27. "The pre-medical examinations held 03/27/1968. Complaints during the inspection did not show. The state of health and the mood was good. The body temperature of 36 6. The pulse rate of 64 beats per 1 minute. Blood pressure - 120/70 mm Hg. Art. 03/27/1968 between 8.45 - 9.00 Colonel Gagarin YA subjected to further examination. There were no complaints ».
It would seem that the health of the procedure. But two questions arise. Firstly, too indicators listed in the magazine, close to ideal. Second, Why another examination? The same document states, and the survey Seregina. And it is only one medical examination ...
And one more detail. 5 days prior to the flight Yuri A. took an in-depth medical examination and received the verdict "fit for flight operations without any restrictions." But for some reason, this term "date" was defined only 2 months - until May 22, 1968 ...
Czech aircraft
Finally, the Commission provides details of that aircraft was provided for Gagarin and Seregin for flight.
That is, did the aircraft Czechoslovak comrades. He has developed more than half of the service life (there were still 986 hours). But the engine has been some problems. Finally, the Commission notes that for the 533 hours of operation he underwent 4 major overhaul, and after the last (January 1967) it was established a resource of 100 hours. The balance of the resource engine was only 37 hours. In addition, he was shot twice turnaround time due to defects ...
Despite these facts, the Commission noted that the whole aircraft had sufficient resources and serviced according to the regulations. Rather, Gagarin highlight the best of the available aircraft in the regiment, and the serious problems it did not have, and despite the fact that it was made abroad and exploited enough. The only serious violations committed during the preparation for the flight, was that the aircraft is not uncoupled from the additional fuel tanks. They are, incidentally, greatly reduces the possibility of maneuvering ...
Many experts, including Leon, believed that responsible for the death of Gagarin and Seregin was a second similar aircraft MiG-15 UTI, which was piloted by Major Andrew (he flew 3 minutes after Gagarin) or Su-11, which at the However, I am flying in the area. Last pilot of a supersonic aircraft has long been a secret. Then it was called: at the helm of the Su-11 was a pilot by the name of Krechetov. To put an end to this issue, we present data on the results of an experiment conducted during the investigation:
"There were conducted two flights of aircraft, aircraft simulated flight Colonel Gagarin and Major Andreev ... During the experiment, the intersection of planes on the same range has not happened».
The Flight Research Institute of the Ministry of Aviation Industry was studied effects of sonic boom Su-11 airplanes. The conclusion was clear: no MiG-15 UTI Andreeva or flying above the Su-11 Krechetova could not affect the MiG-15 UTI Gagarin and Seregin ...
Was there a probe?
The basic version of the death of Gagarin and Seregin Commission called sudden maneuver: "The most probable cause of the accident is to perform a sharp maneuver to the lapel of balloon».
The Commission found that on the day of the flight in the area of the job held ballooning. For example, 10.02 Physical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences released a radiosonde, which is 10.22 meters at an altitude of 3000 went to the area of flight test airfield "Chkalovsky." He came out of that area to 11.26 at an altitude of 16 000 meters. Theoretically, it could be a hindrance aircraft Gagarin and Seregin. The investigation, by the way, it turned out that in the area of the crash site of the plane was "a significant number of destroyed radiosonde radio pilots and balloon pilots».
In recent years, publications on the death of Gagarin, categorically denied that the plane could crash into the probe. In fact, although the commission did not consider such a collision the basic version, it is mentioned in the document. Here is another excerpt: "About 60% of the cockpit glazing found. There is a possibility the destruction of glass cockpit and in the air due to a possible collision of the aircraft with a ball probe ».
Data that would support such a collision, the commission was not, but at that time the level of expertise is not always allowed to make accurate conclusions about the possible effects on the aircraft in the air ...
"Jura is no longer»
The death of Gagarin's search team and his fellow astronauts did not immediately believe. I once again turn to the story of the barber shop Leonov.
- When we learned that the plane crashed Gagarin and Seregin, it immediately organized search operation. I participated in the search, - says Alexei Arkhipovich. - Some days there is hope that the Jura was able to escape. What Seregin died, we found out almost immediately - it was found a piece of the damaged jacket. Traces of Gagarin's death for a long time could not be found. After some time, we found his wallet. But he, as we had hoped, could fall in the bailout. The search in the woods walked all day and all night.
Only the next morning, we learned a terrible truth. And so it happened that had to report it to me. All human remains, even the smallest, who managed to gather at the site of the crash, put in an ordinary enamel bucket of greenish color, and they were engaged forensic experts. When I'm on the subject of identification of the remains showed (bucket was almost full), I saw quite a large flap of skin on the mind - part of the shoulder and neck - with a familiar birthmark. And then I realized: the Jura is no longer ...
45 years ago the first cosmonaut died
March 27, 1968 in the village Novoselovo Vladimir region plane crashed MiG-15 UTI, piloted by Yuri Gagarin and Vladimir Seregin instructor.
All that came to this tragedy, it was immediately classified. On the death of Gagarin and Seregin said only 29 of March. But the official documents of the government commission set up to investigate the disaster, as well as the related correspondence and decisions of the CPSU Central Committee for a long time remained a secret storage. It generated a lot of rumors. Today, we can examine these documents stored in the archives of the Russian President and declassified a little less than two years ago, and tell readers about the little-known details of the tragedy.
"The mood is good, no complaints»
Back in the mid-90's pilot-cosmonaut Alexei Leonov told me a story:
- Yura died on Tuesday, and a few days before, on Saturday, we had decided to get a haircut. Did we usually hairdresser hotel "Youth", near the stadium "Luzhniki", at one and the same master named Igor. And when I cut his hair, he sat down behind the desk chair and watched the process.
Yura around his neck was a large mole, about half a centimeter in diameter. And when Igor was the straight razor to trim close to the neck, I told him: "Look, the most beautiful is not sbrey coincidence!" He did not take offense, knew that I was joking, and grunted in reply: "I know, I know ..."
Often, when a person dies, we remember something symbolic, unusual in his behavior. Jura did not have anything, there is no apprehension. But over time the behavior of the barber seemed to me not the same as always. Usually after a haircut, he swept the hair off the floor and threw. But that Saturday he Yura curls neatly gathered and placed in a safe.
Already in the first days after the informational message about the death of Gagarin and Seregin rumors that they flew from the airfield in Zhukovsky in inadequate condition. The document, titled "Conclusion and proposals of the Government Commission to clarify the circumstances of the death of Gagarin cosmonaut Yuri A. and engineer Colonel VS Seregin," dated September 4, 1968, are the main indicators of the health of Gagarin on the morning of March 27. "The pre-medical examinations held 03/27/1968. Complaints during the inspection did not show. The state of health and the mood was good. The body temperature of 36 6. The pulse rate of 64 beats per 1 minute. Blood pressure - 120/70 mm Hg. Art. 03/27/1968 between 8.45 - 9.00 Colonel Gagarin YA subjected to further examination. There were no complaints ».
It would seem that the health of the procedure. But two questions arise. Firstly, too indicators listed in the magazine, close to ideal. Second, Why another examination? The same document states, and the survey Seregina. And it is only one medical examination ...
And one more detail. 5 days prior to the flight Yuri A. took an in-depth medical examination and received the verdict "fit for flight operations without any restrictions." But for some reason, this term "date" was defined only 2 months - until May 22, 1968 ...
Czech aircraft
Finally, the Commission provides details of that aircraft was provided for Gagarin and Seregin for flight.
That is, did the aircraft Czechoslovak comrades. He has developed more than half of the service life (there were still 986 hours). But the engine has been some problems. Finally, the Commission notes that for the 533 hours of operation he underwent 4 major overhaul, and after the last (January 1967) it was established a resource of 100 hours. The balance of the resource engine was only 37 hours. In addition, he was shot twice turnaround time due to defects ...
Despite these facts, the Commission noted that the whole aircraft had sufficient resources and serviced according to the regulations. Rather, Gagarin highlight the best of the available aircraft in the regiment, and the serious problems it did not have, and despite the fact that it was made abroad and exploited enough. The only serious violations committed during the preparation for the flight, was that the aircraft is not uncoupled from the additional fuel tanks. They are, incidentally, greatly reduces the possibility of maneuvering ...
Many experts, including Leon, believed that responsible for the death of Gagarin and Seregin was a second similar aircraft MiG-15 UTI, which was piloted by Major Andrew (he flew 3 minutes after Gagarin) or Su-11, which at the However, I am flying in the area. Last pilot of a supersonic aircraft has long been a secret. Then it was called: at the helm of the Su-11 was a pilot by the name of Krechetov. To put an end to this issue, we present data on the results of an experiment conducted during the investigation:
"There were conducted two flights of aircraft, aircraft simulated flight Colonel Gagarin and Major Andreev ... During the experiment, the intersection of planes on the same range has not happened».
The Flight Research Institute of the Ministry of Aviation Industry was studied effects of sonic boom Su-11 airplanes. The conclusion was clear: no MiG-15 UTI Andreeva or flying above the Su-11 Krechetova could not affect the MiG-15 UTI Gagarin and Seregin ...
Was there a probe?
The basic version of the death of Gagarin and Seregin Commission called sudden maneuver: "The most probable cause of the accident is to perform a sharp maneuver to the lapel of balloon».
The Commission found that on the day of the flight in the area of the job held ballooning. For example, 10.02 Physical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences released a radiosonde, which is 10.22 meters at an altitude of 3000 went to the area of flight test airfield "Chkalovsky." He came out of that area to 11.26 at an altitude of 16 000 meters. Theoretically, it could be a hindrance aircraft Gagarin and Seregin. The investigation, by the way, it turned out that in the area of the crash site of the plane was "a significant number of destroyed radiosonde radio pilots and balloon pilots».
In recent years, publications on the death of Gagarin, categorically denied that the plane could crash into the probe. In fact, although the commission did not consider such a collision the basic version, it is mentioned in the document. Here is another excerpt: "About 60% of the cockpit glazing found. There is a possibility the destruction of glass cockpit and in the air due to a possible collision of the aircraft with a ball probe ».
Data that would support such a collision, the commission was not, but at that time the level of expertise is not always allowed to make accurate conclusions about the possible effects on the aircraft in the air ...
"Jura is no longer»
The death of Gagarin's search team and his fellow astronauts did not immediately believe. I once again turn to the story of the barber shop Leonov.
- When we learned that the plane crashed Gagarin and Seregin, it immediately organized search operation. I participated in the search, - says Alexei Arkhipovich. - Some days there is hope that the Jura was able to escape. What Seregin died, we found out almost immediately - it was found a piece of the damaged jacket. Traces of Gagarin's death for a long time could not be found. After some time, we found his wallet. But he, as we had hoped, could fall in the bailout. The search in the woods walked all day and all night.
Only the next morning, we learned a terrible truth. And so it happened that had to report it to me. All human remains, even the smallest, who managed to gather at the site of the crash, put in an ordinary enamel bucket of greenish color, and they were engaged forensic experts. When I'm on the subject of identification of the remains showed (bucket was almost full), I saw quite a large flap of skin on the mind - part of the shoulder and neck - with a familiar birthmark. And then I realized: the Jura is no longer ...
