Yuri Gagarin

Three TASS
Was harvested three options TASS (Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union) on human spaceflight. first - solemn, "successful." Second - in case if the ship does not leave the orbit and fall somewhere in the forest or ocean. In this report, Tass was an appeal to the governments of the countries to help in the search for the astronaut. Finally, a third option - the tragic death of the first cosmonaut.
Fortunately, the latter two options are not useful.
Insurance against insanity
What lay in wait in the space of the first man? Today, few remember the secret package in which there was a piece of paper with the number "25". It was a cipher for the inclusion of the manual control of the ship "Vostok».
As the flight took place in the automatic version, the Yuri Gagarin did not interfere in management. He was an observer, and more! However, in case of failure of automation, he had to take it over. Why did not the astronaut said cipher, and hid it in a special envelope? His Yuri had to open, dial "25" and only then manually prepare the "East" for landing.
And so the mystery was explained by the belief that the person to be in space and saw his home planet from the outside can get crazy. Psychologists and doctors so convincingly argued that they believed even the king himself. So, a person loses his mind in space and then try to steer the ship. To avoid this, and has been made lock the control panel. If the astronaut will not lose his mind, he easily would open the envelope and discovers the hidden figure.
Earthly accident
Yuri went to had given him "Volga" at a red light, and through his fault the accident occurred. Fortunately, no one was injured, but his car and an old "Victory" he pitched much. Podletevshy to the accident policeman, of course, knew Yuri Gagarin, smiled, then saluted and said that "punish the guilty." Retired, host of "Victory", also smiling Gagarin did before him ... A policeman stopped a passing car and asked the driver to drop off Gagarin wherever he wants. Of course, he agreed. Gagarin left. But apparently, something itching in his soul: he asked to return to the scene of the accident. There he saw his guilt policeman attributed to the old man. Yury, of course, restore justice. He helped to repair the affected machine, paid for all the work.
Earth's shadow
So start! So far, so good. "East" was our radio area for four minutes. We heard the voice of Jurin. Then they began to listen to a recording of his reportage - there just three tape to record stood. In one sentence he said to us incomprehensible words. Naturally, the general turmoil: what he said? Once reproduction included, the second ... Finally, I examine his words: "I went into the Earth's shadow!". At that time no one could imagine what it is - "the shadow of the Earth," as it looks! Theoretically, of course, knew, but Yura first saw it ... Then we laughed at him, joked: "behind the times, the age of a space, and we do not understand such terms!».
Stolen car
Pilots decided to play each other. Yury remained true to this tradition. Alexander Matinchenko pilot of our set in 1963, bought the cars. In winter it was. The car was near the house. And Gagarin one night gathered a group of guys (I was among them Leo V. Vorobiev), drove his car out of the garage, and we got the car rolled Matinchenko. About a kilometer roll had, hands turned the wheel. Then Yury called the Home Front Command, asked to send snowthrower to "cover their tracks." Then he called the commandant, warned: "If there is a call Matinchenko and say that he stole the car, keep in mind that we played it. What do you want to answer, but I do not give ... ».
Space flight
Besides Gagarin, were more applicants for the first flight into space, was just twenty. They were not the best pilots of the country, he selected the candidates Korolev, was important height, weight and health. The rocket, which was to fly, was designed to send a nuclear warhead to the United States. Mark Gallay - the person who prepares them for the flight - once said very accurately: "In any aviation regiment could score twenty such pilots ...". Of the twenty-six candidates selected only, Korolyov was in a hurry because they were evidence that the April 20, 1961 his man sent into space by the Americans. And so the start was planned to appoint between 11 and 17 April 1961. Togo, who will fly into space, defined at the last moment, at the meeting of the Civil Code, they have become Gagarin and his backup Titov. Was prepared by three TASS news about Gagarin's flight into space. The first - "Successful", the second in case it falls in the territory of another country or in the world's oceans - "Appeal to the governments of other countries," requesting help in the search, and the third - "tragic" if Gagarin not return alive. < br />
Start the "Vostok" was made at 09:07 April 12, 1961 Moscow time from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. After completing one revolution around the Earth in 10:25:34 108 minutes, the ship completed a scheduled flight (one second earlier than planned). Due to a failure in the braking system lander with Gagarin landed not in the planned area of 110 km from Stalingrad, and in the Saratov region, not far from Engels. There's such a distinguished guest, no one expected. At 10:48 radar in the nearby military airport spotted unrecognized target - it was a lander - and later, 7 km to the ground, according to the flight plan Gagarin ejected and the goals on the radar there were two.
The first earthlings who met astronaut after flight were the forester's wife Anna Akimovna Takhtarova and her six year old granddaughter Rita. Soon came to the scene from a nearby military parts. One group of soldiers took custody lander and the other drove to the location of the Gagarin. From there Gagarin phone has reported the division commander of air defense, "Please convey Air Force Commander: task was accomplished, landed in a given area, feel good, no bruises and damage. Gagarin ".