The most affordable remedy for cellulite! Only 1 product will save you from an annoying problem.
We all know the miraculous properties of honey. Many girls use it, making a variety of masks and wraps. Today we will share a secret with you. cellulite disposal. Following our instructions, we can say goodbye to you in 14 days. orange peel!
Honey massage from celluliteIngredients
Progress of the procedure
Do this procedure every time you go to bed. Don’t forget to share with your friends the secret of perfect skin, and also learn how to get rid of pigmentation.
Honey massage from celluliteIngredients
- honey
- anti-cellulite cream (for better effect)
Progress of the procedure
- Before the procedure, you need to prepare the skin: take a warm shower using a washcloth, properly wipe the problem areas.
- The next step is to apply a scrub: massage the body well and wash everything with warm water.
- After the pores are cleared, you need to dry the body with a terry towel.
- Apply a small amount of honey to the problem areas and evenly distribute it.
- Hands of both hands make light spanking for 10 minutes. This process is not pleasant, you should be a little patient.
- When honey stops reaching for hands, it is necessary to wash it under a warm shower.
- For the best effect after a shower, you can use anti-cellulite cream.
Do this procedure every time you go to bed. Don’t forget to share with your friends the secret of perfect skin, and also learn how to get rid of pigmentation.
I cut slices zucchini and tomatoes, add the egg ... And after 30 minutes of family treat you bake!
Bridging the cleanliness in the bathroom for him was real torture, until he found out about this trick!