He ate a frog - whole day is free
Mark Twain used to say, "If the morning to eat a toad - the remainder of the day will take place with a pleasant feeling that will not be worse." Of course, the poor amphibians in no way to blame, do not rush to search for recipes for their preparation. Toads Twain called all the heavy and unpleasant things.
Council "to eat a toad" generally begins his speech and renowned motivator Brian Tracy. It recommends that each day begin with the most unpleasant part, first perform the work, which is disgusting.
Still not convinced, there is a toad or not eat?
The first argument for zhabosedenie. A man after sleep has a maximum energy - after a dream he is capable of much. The fact that he can not during the day, in the morning will turn easily.
The second argument. Let's say you have a lot to do. If among all the "frogs" you choose the most pupyrchatuyu, green, nasty, in general, very nasty job and do it, then how will the rest of the day? Relief! And this tremendous motivation to inspire you to easily do the rest.
The third argument. If you long to put off unpleasant thing - it will haunt you all day. The mood will be spoiled.
So forward to the frogs!
via adme.ru