Do we shy Decorates?

The strange thing is - humility. The positive character trait, which manifests itself in moderation in all things, unwillingness to seek luxury and demonstrate their merits, but is it not contrary to fashionable motivating articles and the main goals of modern man? Maybe modesty - not a virtue and vice? Or beautiful phenomenon, but devoid of practical sense?
This property poets sing of nature and despise the cynics. Perhaps the truth is somewhere nearby. Revision Website seriously interested in the matter and decided to find out what they think about modesty bright and talented members of society
«Modesty -. This is the kind of pride, which is the least annoying others », - thought Jules Renard. So, modesty - it's just a well-disguised pride? Interesting opinion
«Mr. Attlee -. A very modest man. And he has every reason to this. » Winston Churchill is well known for its provocative aphorisms. It is obvious that modesty was not the highest opinion. Modesty - a screen behind which hides the limitations? Unconvincing and rather controversial. Mr. Attlee somehow very sorry.
< «plain girl is easier to conduct modest life». movie star Marlene Dietrich resolutely sided with the British Prime Minister, not yielding to him in the absence of the measure. That's just the question of "ugliness" is subjective, and the beauty is not eternal. Even in old age, not all are models of modesty
«Modest natures tend to take your friendly circle ready-made from the hands of the case» , -. Robert Louis Stevenson claimed. Deep and is generally true. Man modest hesitate to make a move in the direction of the company, which it really is close. ? However, this is a plus modesty or vice versa
«modesty - mean between shamelessness and shyness». Aristotle, as always, concise and logical. If shamelessness - an obvious defect and shyness - lack of small, somewhere between them have to fit and virtue
«In the need to comply with the measure, even in the humility» ,. - convinces us Anatole France, allowing the existence of modesty, but urging caution. Perhaps it is in compliance with this condition can be considered a modest but gifted and bright
«Excessive modesty leads to incompetence», -. Agrees to the French classic of American fiction Harry Harrison.
Interesting and different points of view. Perhaps the key word here - "excessive". In the need to be humble, even modesty. And then all we can do it! Coming out of the shadows of the competition, we will invent something, someone to conquer and break through somewhere. And then, modestly downcast eyes, we will take a well-deserved compliments from fans crying of happiness.
Complete article want another quote on the subject of the dispute, fully reflects our attitude as modesty in general and to their own creativity in particular:
«Apart from the natural consciousness of his own genius, I have always considered myself person, in general, is modest. » Robert Heinlein.
Oleg Nagornov specifically for the Website
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