If you are tired of dreams - release it
Give up the dream! Really. You will find a new, much better. Stop thinking about today's failures, better you remember what you like to do as a child. A hobby - for some reason you forget about it? Suddenly these clumsy attempts to draw a vase and has a true vocation?
Diamond Castle can not be a prison. You are free and have every right to deviate from the path. That changed their minds - and
! I understand that the advocates of "sverhmotivatsii" never forgive me - rather boa plyunuvshego forgive him in the rabbit eye. But on my side of the people, proved that stray from the path, or change their minds all the time to be in search of new horizons - this is also full, bright life
. For example, the Spanish Julio Iglesias
. The fate of the mathematician, astronomer and philosopher Omar Khayyam was different. Black stripes alternated his life with white zebra pedestrian frequency bands. He struggled with adversity, and wrote brilliant poetic aphorisms, who read and love is already 900 years old. With all due respect to the great Persian as a scientist - recall a minute that any of his scientific achievements. A quote can Rubaiyat? That's what I meant. We have no idea in what capacity we are destined to go down in history. Perhaps our "avocation", which we do not attach much importance, and there is a vocation?
But why only one session? Is there may be some? After all, perfection is infinite. < Leonardo da Vinci , for example, in what does not deny. Of course, the Italian artist, scientist, inventor and author - a genius, no one does not argue with that. But it is not freedom from the scope and whether the conventions of the secret of his genius? And let's not forget that the Renaissance gave the history of a whole galaxy of great masters, whose talent is not limited to the only manifestation. At some point in time people suddenly found wings ...
So, you can continue to improve, do not forget to look carefully at the sides in the search for new fields of activity? You can, if you return to sender label "humanist" or "geek". However, sometimes it needs a powerful impetus. < Hedy Lamarr is not particularly interested in the opinions of others, when she decided to invent a system remote control torpedoes. She did not interfere with ridicule and spoiled movie star status. Hedi thought for the victims of the outbreak of the war, and it prompted her to change priorities. Largely due to this patent, we use mobile phones and Wi-Fi, but it has not ceased to be an actress.
< Antoine de Saint-Exupery and Richard Bach repeatedly They said that most of all they like to fly. We are well known for outstanding mathematical abilities Professor Lewis Carroll Elvis Presley sure famously drove a truck. That's just we love them not only for this.
Without a hint of irony - if you are tired of the dream or it seems unattainable, try all the same to finish the vase. Perhaps this will be the first step toward a new dream. Or not. But worth a try!
Author: Oleg Nagornov specifically for the Website
Picture on preview: Horányi Réka / behance.net / CC BY-NC 4.0
via creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/deed.ru