For happiness I need me first

Once my friends and I were discussing plans for the upcoming holidays, when one of the guys said that he would like to visit in Lyon, but first we must find a companion for the journey. "I'm not going to go alone - he said. - No one in their right mind would not want this »
. That evening, at lunch with my friend, we saw a mutual friend, I dined alone. "Poor fellow, - said my companion. - He's all alone. Maybe we should come up and say hello? No one should eat alone,
it's terrible. " Two of these small incident made me think. Why blame the people in the community, do anything alone? And why it is considered a priori that all need companion for any business?
Well, I know where the shoe pinches. People - social creatures, we have written to the subcortex desire social activity and location among a group of other individuals. Communication, conversations, meetings - all this contributes to the establishment of social relations, the development of friendship and mutual
. Nevertheless, I do not like the idea that anyone who wants to do something alone, is strange. Of course, from the point of view of society, the same meal in the restaurant or going to the movies are activities that can be divided with other people. I'm talking about something else: if a person wants to have lunch alone, it does not mean that he has no friends or that he is unhappy and completely alone.
I think it is normal not to have a desire to entertain someone. Yes, I can not be in the mood to listen to the latest gossip. And yes, it does not make me antisocial.
In today's world we are surrounded by information. Most of us spend the day buried in the different screens. In addition, we were forced to contact with lots of people. It is not only tiring introverts and extroverts. It is no wonder that our brains want to relax and just be in silence.
That's funny. If I was in splendid isolation eat pizza and play console at home, that's all right. If I walk alone in the park, I call judgment. Who ever decides when I can be myself, and when it is socially unacceptable? And why am I, seeking solitude and giving yourself the opportunity to focus on something important, I can get it at home, but should go out as behind me starting to regret?
Being alone with yourself - a valuable gift that we can make your mind
. Just think. It's complete freedom to do what you like! And if I want to spend an hour, peremerivaya things from her wardrobe, I spend the 60 minutes and will be perfectly happy. I can do what I want, but do not try to complete the tour of the historical museum as soon as possible, whose exposure is, frankly, makes me a terrible yawn.
My conclusion: I want to do what I want, without regard for the opinions and evaluations of others. I do not want to hurt or offend those who do not like to spend time alone. To each his own. I just want to emphasize how important it is to listen to your heart and to act in accordance with their wishes. Ultimately, the important thing is what you want to accomplish: your goals, your objectives, your dreams
. Ride in Lyon. Go to a concert performer, who hate your friends. Enjoy your dinner. And if someone is looking at you accusingly ... What's the difference? Your incredibly delicious dessert does not become any less enticing.
I know it's not easy. It is difficult to overcome internal barriers and stereotypes. It requires courage and confidence. But you know what you get in return? Freedom. Freedom to be yourself. And that is priceless.
Article By: Christine Ling (Christina Ling)
Translation and adaptation of the Website
via medium.com/human-output/the-stigma-of-doing-things-alone-c7808daf9276#.p2njp8trt
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