Why modern relationships are fragile?
Modern relationships have become like opportunism, where the main priority in favor comfort. We can be with the person until such time as in the relationship of harmony and love prevail. Once replaced the euphoria come disagreements and quarrels, we begin to look for a replacement. Each pair is facing a variety of problems.
Website published an article that will help you understand why this is happening.
1. We are not prepared. Often we are not willing to compromise, to sacrifice themselves and to love just like that, without any conditions. We do not want to wait, we want everything at once. We do not give our feelings grow, will drive them into the time frame.
2. We confuse love with other feelings. We want to meet the one who goes with us to the movies or a nightclub, rather than someone who will understand and support in moments of deepest sorrow. We do not like to live boring, so looking for a fun companion who can turn our lives into an adventure. However, we are not always ready for the changes that will inevitably come after a period of love and mutual sympathy.
3. We are immersed in the daily life. Over time, we do not have time and space for love, because we are too busy chasing material wealth.
4. We expect instant results. When we fall in love, we want to see the relationship with his companion mature, although the maturity, as well as mutual understanding, comes with age. Most modern people believe that absolutely nothing in this life is not worth their time and patience, even love.
5. We love to waste. Many of us probably spend one hour a hundred different people than day one. In today's world there is a perception that it is much better to meet people than to recognize them. We are greedy, and we want all at once. We are entering into a relationship, and tear them as soon as we have the best "option." We do not give the best man, but we want it to be perfect. We meet with many, but give a chance to a few.
6. We have become dependent on technology. Technology has brought us so that it became difficult to breathe. Live communication have changed the texts, voice messages, chats and video calls. We no longer necessary to spend time together. We already know about each other very much. We have nothing to discuss.
7. We can not sit in one place. We believe that it is not created for a relationship, and even the thought that we should settle down, causes fear. We do not associate your life with one person and avoid permanence.
8. We have become "sexually free". The current generation was to separate sex from love. First, people have sex and only then decide whether they fit together. Today, sex outside of marriage has become the norm, and the concept of "open relationship", "sex as a friend", "sex for one night" have become part of modern everyday life.
9. We have become too often rely on logic. Few of the modern generation is able to love with all my heart, overcoming the difficulties of time and distance.
10. We are very much afraid. We are afraid of new relationships, frustration, emotional wounds and a broken heart, so do not allow many people to enter into his life by shielding her invisible walls, for which they themselves sometimes we can not get out.
11 . We do not value the relationship more. We do not let a person is loving us. We are very disappointed in others.
According to the materials: Mensxp
Translation and adaptation: Website
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