Sergey Kovalev: Change catastrophic thinking to positive
Kovalev Sergey Viktorovich - a psychologist, therapist, doctor of psychological sciences, professor. Therapist World and European registers, certified Master Trainer of NLP and Ericksonian hypnotherapy specialist. President of the inter-regional department of neuro-linguistic programming. General Director of the Institute of Innovative psychotechnologies.
We can only survive if radically changed his outlook. We should see a kind of power centers. Mental, mental strength, which will set a different picture of the world. Optimistic, cheerful, unselfish, moral and spiritual.
Is there a different reality? Yes, and this fact has long been recognized as physical science. There is a colleague of Einstein Bohm, who tried to explain why the canons of quantum mechanics are not compatible with the laws of classical physics. As a result of findings-it is mathematically revealed the existence of two types of reality. Unmanifested and the manifested physical quantum.
The reality, which is described by quantum physics - it's just the one which presents the probabilities of what can happen in the physical reality. And that's it in a certain extent it can be called magical. And our secondary reality is a kind of projection of the primary reality, in which everything begins, then what happens ...
- Can a man affect the reality, to change the current picture of the world
? The ratio between the two realities resembles ratio of water and ice. Quantum reality - it's water, from which you can get anything. When it is, let's say, zaledenevaet, it turns into our reality, into concrete events.
It follows that a person has a large enough capacity to forceful impact on the world around us. Because, in fact, quantum reality - a reality of probability. Depending on our own thoughts, we, in general, able to activate any scenario. Unfortunately, most people have "catastrophic" way of thinking, rather than the so-called anastroficheskogo.
That is, they think about what will happen something bad. And it happens. Therefore advice is simple: if you want to create a something acceptable, just change the content of your consciousness. From negative to positive. Because what it is, and embodied in your life ...
- Your profession in our time very popular. I would like to know your opinion, why is this trend? Why now, and not, say, a hundred years ago?
For one simple reason. Because now we have created around them an artificial environment, which can not cope with the possibilities of our logical mind. There is a concept of "bounded rationality", once proposed by Nobel Prize G. Simon.
According to him, as individuals or entire organizations are not able to cope with problems that exceed some certain level. No longer able even to understand what is happening around. So, this level we all have been exceeded.
If the amount of information that humanity has been a year of Christ's birth is taken as unity, then at the beginning of the last century (the last - year 1900) we had a hundred twenty-eight units. Accordingly, it is now the number has reached unimaginable values. People are no longer able to understand the complexity of this world. As a result, consciousness is deformed, and the person or degraded, or, as it were going crazy. And, accordingly, needs the help of professionals.
However, in reality things are not so hopeless. Because each of us has a great unconscious, which can quite easily cope with any amount of information.
That is, the potential we could cover all. But humanity has gone on the wrong road. It rolled to the intuitive way in the development of a conscious. Inventing consciousness (co-knowing) how the interaction of the tool and, in general, the impact on others. To the knowledge of the world is not enough. And the mind refuses, is increasing the number of mental illnesses. And it is growing so that these statistics prefer not to disclose.
Because it is just a killer. For example, even in the most affluent countries, the number is increasing annually depressants. Although it would seem, what depression can be secured at the American housewife? The number of reactive psychosis, pathological deviations and so on. Roughly speaking, the adaptive challenge we have thrown ourselves, we could not stand.
If we stick to the theory of Academician Severtsev, who postulated the existence of four types of adaptation - degradation, intensification, specialization and development - it turns out that we are now, unfortunately, we go to the degradation
. The era of postmodernism is characterized by the emergence of highly specialized knowledge. And even specialists busy one and the same science, do not understand each other. Because really know only in its narrow field. What can we say about humanity as a whole?
As a result, there is a crazy tendency to simplify everything. For example, the replacement of psychology nonsense type of horoscopes. Because horoscope look easier than to make a serious test. And so on. I already talked about this many times and many times wrote. The fact that humanity is not yet understand that there is need to do something, anything good in this world will not be.
At the time, Stanislaw Lem, who was not only well-known science fiction writer and futurist, in his book "Sum of technologies" suggested that humankind, by virtue of the fact that it did not develop natural abilities, will be forced to follow the path of kibernizatsii. That is, to enter the computer implants directly to your brain, to orient in reality ...
- How do you see the evolution of egoism? It is the engine of progress or a barrier to prosperity and mutual understanding between people?
Selfishness - this is not the engine of progress. Selfishness - this shredder progress. The curse of mankind.
Even Carl Jung postulated the following. In order for something to really understand, you need to go through four levels of outlook.
First, it is necessary to experience all the senses
. Second, logically comprehend, create a model
. Third, accept, feel, take it with emotions and feelings
. But there is also that function, which, as it closes the learning process. It is extremely important. This function -. Intuitive
That is, the fourth level - an intuitive embrace anything
. Only in this way can be something really know. So - it's actually four stages of life and the four-level
. If you really want to understand the end of this life, you must first feel afterwards to understand and then accept emotionally, and after a kind of "otintuichit", thus completing the life cycle. Realizing who you are, what you are and why.
But this will not happen, because at the moment the development of real analysis will focus only on the first two stages. On the third and fourth stages of the transition units. That is, we do not have an emotional decision, not an intuitive understanding of the world. We live in a primitive little world where the level of sensual pleasures and banal logic "Salvage triumphs over evil." So, in fact, simply do not live ...
To understand why you live, you need to realize their life on other levels of existence. First, on the sensory-emotional level. And then - intuitive. But the former requires morality, and the second - spirituality. And selfishness - this is the tool that will never let you go up in the sky. On the contrary - it will make you crawl on the earth forever. Because the highly specialized and, at best, is focused on a narrow circle of "friends". On the primitive rules "his brethren».
Conscience in the egoistic form - a tool that allows you to not fall out of this circle. The main principle of this primitive conscience: "I do not have to do it, because otherwise I will throw»
. At the second level, when starting a serious business game, at least, there is some kind of morality. Because consistent with its standards is simply good. But in order to really know the world, you need a third level of morality and spirituality of the fourth level. If it is not, nothing in your life will come ...
- Thus, for myself, I draw this conclusion: if a person is trying to change the world, does not see a positive result, it should change itself
? It's, you know, the most in demand output. In the words of one of the great: "Yesterday I was smart and trying to change the world, today I became a wise and just try to change yourself." Naturally only to himself and should start. Another Chinese saying: if you want to change something in the country, to change something in your county, you want to change something in the county, change in your area, you want to change in your area, change in your city, and so on - to restore order on your desktop ...
- What role do you assign to environment in the emergence of problems and in solving them
? There are at least two life. The first - social. It is devoted to socialization and work on society. Second Life - existential, personal. It involves work on the disclosure of their potential. The first life dictates to sow reasonable, good and eternal, but not themselves, and others.
But it is not your life, because you live for the sake of society. In fact, it is important not just to do something for others, and to learn something, to understand something. Everyone has their own "journey of the hero", which he must carry out ...
But not many are suitable for this. By its genuine, and not someone else's life. Which, by the way, has to start somewhere with forty-two years. Critical age when a person realizes that he can not live like everyone and for all. It needs to be something for themselves. And then he begins to search for his vocation and mission. The meaning of his life. And it is trying to bring it all. Having carried out in this world.
But often, such a desire in us are suppressed. Our environment, or rather with our interaction with it. Where we are mired in a terry selfishness. Forgotten how to negotiate, but have learned to cheat and dodge. Loss of moral guidance, not to mention spirituality. Because morality requires the presence of intelligence. But due to the complexity of the world intelligence is lost. And morality falls victim to the falling of intelligence.
Clean semantically "selfishness" are derived from the word "ego". But the ego - is the lowest instance of human behavior, with ball and Shvonder. Imagine that you live in a world where everyone is charged with these characters. So the ego - it's your Shvonder
. It is always, as Freud wrote, correctly, is between two things: an instinctive attraction and social control. But this is only the first level of being. A human development - a transition from level to level. From ego to guise from masks to individuality. And from the individual to the true identity.
Here mask (our Russian name) - a system of learned human social roles. The name is slightly grotesque, but accurate. It involves the establishment of a human sort of citizen, strictly, is watching and oversee performing social rules. But living by the rules alone, a real man will not become.
Therefore, a transition to a personality - this is the third level of existence. A fourth level - this is the area of the true identity of life, the scale of Alexander Solzhenitsyn. The man who went through all the circles of hell, only to describe them. And to prevent the repetition ...
Staying on the first level of the individual, we will come to serious world problems. Therefore, predictions are not comforting. In the near future, we will have problems with water since 2050. Start a war of pure H2O. A little later - the war for food. Because the food is already not enough. Next will only get worse as ...
- Forecasts really comforting ...
And why they should be comforting? Because the so-called progress? He did not blessed! Note Now, everyone has more than a medieval king. At the then monarch, despite his of gold, jewels, concubines and others, there was no internet, tablet, mobile phone. There was not even a warm toilet. What?
The acquisition of all of this has made us happy? In fact, on the contrary, unfortunately. For example, in the United States against the backdrop of steady growth continuously falling welfare satisfaction with life! We had hoped that the XXI century will be the century of justice.
Who discovered an amazing thing - it looks like the century of total degradation of humanity. Look at what is now the area is no degradation? Broken everything. It lost the general philosophy of the world. The stability of the political situation. Sustainable economic performance. Violated the cultural and socio-psychological norms. We go around the religious wars. We have become intolerable, we do not understand each other.
One of the philosophers said that the main feature of this crisis is that it is total. This crisis is the basic philosophy that is simply out of date and, to our deep regret, we are working to create a worldview that would allow this crisis to overcome.
Note, for example, in our country, which, in fact, do not even have a national idea. It creates for the past twenty years, but never created. I could not stand, has developed its own model of the national idea and released it on the Internet.
So what? All we nodded and were glad ... And only. Do you think that none of the officials did not see it? Probably seen, but why is it, if the national idea was the principle of "Salvage triumphs over evil." The idea of all the looting that only you can.
And what do you want then? What progress? Progress, if you must know, has risen, according to the majority of serious scientists. Now the planes do not fly any faster, do not drive cars or better. The only progress is observed only in the computer electronics, where we can easily come to the spontaneous emergence of a new Mind. In the Internet, where each computer will be as if the neuron ...
And who told you that progress is required? In the development of civilizations, there is always cyclical. We had ancient Greece, which reached its peak ... and what the outcome of ancient Greece? Gone. We had the ancient Romans, who also disappeared. Do not you think that we merely repeat these stories?
The well-known anecdote radio "Armenian" quite accurately conveys the meaning of what is happening. They were asked: "When will it be better?". "It's better already," - responded to the radio "Armenian»
. I would really like to be optimistic. But as you know, a pessimist - a well-informed optimist. However, I would rather a realist. In a certain sense - that teaches English optimist pessimist - Chinese, but a realist - the material of the Kalashnikov assault rifle
. - What is the problem you are now set for yourself and the people
? Our main task is to correctly build a completely different outlook regarding ourselves, others, the world and God. Because in that world view, in the model of the world we have created, we have reached an impasse in the meaninglessness of everything and everyone ...
You asked about depression. I'm not going to talk about theories of this phenomenon, which I know very well the doctor of psychological sciences. However, I can not say this.
When Harvard researchers conducted a study, why do we have such low life expectancy, they found a surprise: we die not because they drink and smoke. There are countries in which both drink and smoke as much more. It turned out that we mrem of boredom and lack of meaning in life. I repeat: from boredom and lack of meaning in life! And the mortality rate - as a kind of protest and migration: I'm here I can not, I'll go from here ... That prospect does not please
. At the same time I'm still an optimist. Because of the view of Marcus Aurelius, that wherever you can live, you can live well. Even now.
Not us, but great it was said, "Because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold; But he who endures to the end shall be saved "(Matthew 24: 12-13 from the ed.). However, salvation is not currently associated with a meaningless protests in the squares and streets. Unfortunately, those who come to the area, do not bring any new ideology. They have different outlook. They do not carry anything new. This is an attempt to change the standard power non-standard methods.
We can only survive if radically changed his outlook. We should see a kind of power centers. Mental, mental strength, which will set a different picture of the world. Optimistic, cheerful, unselfish, moral and spiritual. Если мы сможем это сделать, то спасем весь этот мир по известному эффекту «сотой обезьяны».
Был такой эксперимент, который заключался в том, что на островках маленького архипелага расселили обезьян и кидали им очищенные бананы. Сначала обезьяны ели их с песком. Потом одна обезьяна догадалась купать банан в воде. Ее примеру последовала вторая, третья… И когда сто обезьян до этого додумались, все обезьяны вокруг на архипелаге стали мыть бананы в воде! Сработал эффект аккумуляции. Через связывающее нас, то самое морфическое поле, о котором так подробно писал Руперт Шелдрейк.
Если это произойдет, мы еще можем подняться. Но преобразование будет только в том случае, если мы изменим действительность, изменим сознание. Насколько это возможно? Я делаю то, что я могу. Я объясняю людям, как можно не выживать, но жить даже в этом сумасшедшем мире.
Я создал специальную интегративную систему психотерапии – так называемое интегральное нейропрограммирование, которое позволяет решать любые психологические и телесные проблемы человека. И не просто решать, но еще и выводить его на тот уровень, когда он начинает думать о высоком и нравственном. Начинает осмысливать жизнь. И жить со вкусом, а не выживать. И я преподаю эту науку всем желающим. Ничего не скрывая и объясняя все.
— Подобные интервью, если рассматривать их как образовательные, можно бросить в копилку добродетели…
Это не добродетель, потому что трудно назвать добродетелью то, что ты просто живешь по совести. Той самой, что соответствует подлинной морали и нравственности. Это то, как должен жить человек. Просто люди уже забыли, что это такое: жить по совести. Им помогли это забыть. Потому что люди, которые живут по совести, не могут допустить всех тех безобразий, которые сейчас творятся. Для власть имущих сего мира лучше иметь бессовестных подчиненных. Их легко купить. Тех, кто живет по совести, купить трудно, до невозможности…
А совесть, которая есть во мне, связанна с тем, что я поднялся по уровню жизни. Я смотрю на этот мир немножко по-другому. На первом, втором уровне вы смотрите на вечность с точки зрения мира. Вечность кажется маленькой, а мир очень большим. А я уже давно смотрю на этот мир из вечности. И хорошо понимаю, что он мал и конечен. А вечность – бесконечна и беспредельна… опубликовано
Автор: Ковалев Сергей Викторович

We can only survive if radically changed his outlook. We should see a kind of power centers. Mental, mental strength, which will set a different picture of the world. Optimistic, cheerful, unselfish, moral and spiritual.
Is there a different reality? Yes, and this fact has long been recognized as physical science. There is a colleague of Einstein Bohm, who tried to explain why the canons of quantum mechanics are not compatible with the laws of classical physics. As a result of findings-it is mathematically revealed the existence of two types of reality. Unmanifested and the manifested physical quantum.
The reality, which is described by quantum physics - it's just the one which presents the probabilities of what can happen in the physical reality. And that's it in a certain extent it can be called magical. And our secondary reality is a kind of projection of the primary reality, in which everything begins, then what happens ...
- Can a man affect the reality, to change the current picture of the world
? The ratio between the two realities resembles ratio of water and ice. Quantum reality - it's water, from which you can get anything. When it is, let's say, zaledenevaet, it turns into our reality, into concrete events.
It follows that a person has a large enough capacity to forceful impact on the world around us. Because, in fact, quantum reality - a reality of probability. Depending on our own thoughts, we, in general, able to activate any scenario. Unfortunately, most people have "catastrophic" way of thinking, rather than the so-called anastroficheskogo.
That is, they think about what will happen something bad. And it happens. Therefore advice is simple: if you want to create a something acceptable, just change the content of your consciousness. From negative to positive. Because what it is, and embodied in your life ...
- Your profession in our time very popular. I would like to know your opinion, why is this trend? Why now, and not, say, a hundred years ago?
For one simple reason. Because now we have created around them an artificial environment, which can not cope with the possibilities of our logical mind. There is a concept of "bounded rationality", once proposed by Nobel Prize G. Simon.
According to him, as individuals or entire organizations are not able to cope with problems that exceed some certain level. No longer able even to understand what is happening around. So, this level we all have been exceeded.
If the amount of information that humanity has been a year of Christ's birth is taken as unity, then at the beginning of the last century (the last - year 1900) we had a hundred twenty-eight units. Accordingly, it is now the number has reached unimaginable values. People are no longer able to understand the complexity of this world. As a result, consciousness is deformed, and the person or degraded, or, as it were going crazy. And, accordingly, needs the help of professionals.
However, in reality things are not so hopeless. Because each of us has a great unconscious, which can quite easily cope with any amount of information.
That is, the potential we could cover all. But humanity has gone on the wrong road. It rolled to the intuitive way in the development of a conscious. Inventing consciousness (co-knowing) how the interaction of the tool and, in general, the impact on others. To the knowledge of the world is not enough. And the mind refuses, is increasing the number of mental illnesses. And it is growing so that these statistics prefer not to disclose.
Because it is just a killer. For example, even in the most affluent countries, the number is increasing annually depressants. Although it would seem, what depression can be secured at the American housewife? The number of reactive psychosis, pathological deviations and so on. Roughly speaking, the adaptive challenge we have thrown ourselves, we could not stand.
If we stick to the theory of Academician Severtsev, who postulated the existence of four types of adaptation - degradation, intensification, specialization and development - it turns out that we are now, unfortunately, we go to the degradation
. The era of postmodernism is characterized by the emergence of highly specialized knowledge. And even specialists busy one and the same science, do not understand each other. Because really know only in its narrow field. What can we say about humanity as a whole?
As a result, there is a crazy tendency to simplify everything. For example, the replacement of psychology nonsense type of horoscopes. Because horoscope look easier than to make a serious test. And so on. I already talked about this many times and many times wrote. The fact that humanity is not yet understand that there is need to do something, anything good in this world will not be.
At the time, Stanislaw Lem, who was not only well-known science fiction writer and futurist, in his book "Sum of technologies" suggested that humankind, by virtue of the fact that it did not develop natural abilities, will be forced to follow the path of kibernizatsii. That is, to enter the computer implants directly to your brain, to orient in reality ...
- How do you see the evolution of egoism? It is the engine of progress or a barrier to prosperity and mutual understanding between people?
Selfishness - this is not the engine of progress. Selfishness - this shredder progress. The curse of mankind.
Even Carl Jung postulated the following. In order for something to really understand, you need to go through four levels of outlook.
First, it is necessary to experience all the senses
. Second, logically comprehend, create a model
. Third, accept, feel, take it with emotions and feelings
. But there is also that function, which, as it closes the learning process. It is extremely important. This function -. Intuitive
That is, the fourth level - an intuitive embrace anything
. Only in this way can be something really know. So - it's actually four stages of life and the four-level
. If you really want to understand the end of this life, you must first feel afterwards to understand and then accept emotionally, and after a kind of "otintuichit", thus completing the life cycle. Realizing who you are, what you are and why.
But this will not happen, because at the moment the development of real analysis will focus only on the first two stages. On the third and fourth stages of the transition units. That is, we do not have an emotional decision, not an intuitive understanding of the world. We live in a primitive little world where the level of sensual pleasures and banal logic "Salvage triumphs over evil." So, in fact, simply do not live ...
To understand why you live, you need to realize their life on other levels of existence. First, on the sensory-emotional level. And then - intuitive. But the former requires morality, and the second - spirituality. And selfishness - this is the tool that will never let you go up in the sky. On the contrary - it will make you crawl on the earth forever. Because the highly specialized and, at best, is focused on a narrow circle of "friends". On the primitive rules "his brethren».
Conscience in the egoistic form - a tool that allows you to not fall out of this circle. The main principle of this primitive conscience: "I do not have to do it, because otherwise I will throw»
. At the second level, when starting a serious business game, at least, there is some kind of morality. Because consistent with its standards is simply good. But in order to really know the world, you need a third level of morality and spirituality of the fourth level. If it is not, nothing in your life will come ...
- Thus, for myself, I draw this conclusion: if a person is trying to change the world, does not see a positive result, it should change itself
? It's, you know, the most in demand output. In the words of one of the great: "Yesterday I was smart and trying to change the world, today I became a wise and just try to change yourself." Naturally only to himself and should start. Another Chinese saying: if you want to change something in the country, to change something in your county, you want to change something in the county, change in your area, you want to change in your area, change in your city, and so on - to restore order on your desktop ...
- What role do you assign to environment in the emergence of problems and in solving them
? There are at least two life. The first - social. It is devoted to socialization and work on society. Second Life - existential, personal. It involves work on the disclosure of their potential. The first life dictates to sow reasonable, good and eternal, but not themselves, and others.
But it is not your life, because you live for the sake of society. In fact, it is important not just to do something for others, and to learn something, to understand something. Everyone has their own "journey of the hero", which he must carry out ...
But not many are suitable for this. By its genuine, and not someone else's life. Which, by the way, has to start somewhere with forty-two years. Critical age when a person realizes that he can not live like everyone and for all. It needs to be something for themselves. And then he begins to search for his vocation and mission. The meaning of his life. And it is trying to bring it all. Having carried out in this world.
But often, such a desire in us are suppressed. Our environment, or rather with our interaction with it. Where we are mired in a terry selfishness. Forgotten how to negotiate, but have learned to cheat and dodge. Loss of moral guidance, not to mention spirituality. Because morality requires the presence of intelligence. But due to the complexity of the world intelligence is lost. And morality falls victim to the falling of intelligence.
Clean semantically "selfishness" are derived from the word "ego". But the ego - is the lowest instance of human behavior, with ball and Shvonder. Imagine that you live in a world where everyone is charged with these characters. So the ego - it's your Shvonder
. It is always, as Freud wrote, correctly, is between two things: an instinctive attraction and social control. But this is only the first level of being. A human development - a transition from level to level. From ego to guise from masks to individuality. And from the individual to the true identity.
Here mask (our Russian name) - a system of learned human social roles. The name is slightly grotesque, but accurate. It involves the establishment of a human sort of citizen, strictly, is watching and oversee performing social rules. But living by the rules alone, a real man will not become.
Therefore, a transition to a personality - this is the third level of existence. A fourth level - this is the area of the true identity of life, the scale of Alexander Solzhenitsyn. The man who went through all the circles of hell, only to describe them. And to prevent the repetition ...
Staying on the first level of the individual, we will come to serious world problems. Therefore, predictions are not comforting. In the near future, we will have problems with water since 2050. Start a war of pure H2O. A little later - the war for food. Because the food is already not enough. Next will only get worse as ...
- Forecasts really comforting ...
And why they should be comforting? Because the so-called progress? He did not blessed! Note Now, everyone has more than a medieval king. At the then monarch, despite his of gold, jewels, concubines and others, there was no internet, tablet, mobile phone. There was not even a warm toilet. What?
The acquisition of all of this has made us happy? In fact, on the contrary, unfortunately. For example, in the United States against the backdrop of steady growth continuously falling welfare satisfaction with life! We had hoped that the XXI century will be the century of justice.
Who discovered an amazing thing - it looks like the century of total degradation of humanity. Look at what is now the area is no degradation? Broken everything. It lost the general philosophy of the world. The stability of the political situation. Sustainable economic performance. Violated the cultural and socio-psychological norms. We go around the religious wars. We have become intolerable, we do not understand each other.
One of the philosophers said that the main feature of this crisis is that it is total. This crisis is the basic philosophy that is simply out of date and, to our deep regret, we are working to create a worldview that would allow this crisis to overcome.
Note, for example, in our country, which, in fact, do not even have a national idea. It creates for the past twenty years, but never created. I could not stand, has developed its own model of the national idea and released it on the Internet.
So what? All we nodded and were glad ... And only. Do you think that none of the officials did not see it? Probably seen, but why is it, if the national idea was the principle of "Salvage triumphs over evil." The idea of all the looting that only you can.
And what do you want then? What progress? Progress, if you must know, has risen, according to the majority of serious scientists. Now the planes do not fly any faster, do not drive cars or better. The only progress is observed only in the computer electronics, where we can easily come to the spontaneous emergence of a new Mind. In the Internet, where each computer will be as if the neuron ...
And who told you that progress is required? In the development of civilizations, there is always cyclical. We had ancient Greece, which reached its peak ... and what the outcome of ancient Greece? Gone. We had the ancient Romans, who also disappeared. Do not you think that we merely repeat these stories?
The well-known anecdote radio "Armenian" quite accurately conveys the meaning of what is happening. They were asked: "When will it be better?". "It's better already," - responded to the radio "Armenian»
. I would really like to be optimistic. But as you know, a pessimist - a well-informed optimist. However, I would rather a realist. In a certain sense - that teaches English optimist pessimist - Chinese, but a realist - the material of the Kalashnikov assault rifle
. - What is the problem you are now set for yourself and the people
? Our main task is to correctly build a completely different outlook regarding ourselves, others, the world and God. Because in that world view, in the model of the world we have created, we have reached an impasse in the meaninglessness of everything and everyone ...
You asked about depression. I'm not going to talk about theories of this phenomenon, which I know very well the doctor of psychological sciences. However, I can not say this.
When Harvard researchers conducted a study, why do we have such low life expectancy, they found a surprise: we die not because they drink and smoke. There are countries in which both drink and smoke as much more. It turned out that we mrem of boredom and lack of meaning in life. I repeat: from boredom and lack of meaning in life! And the mortality rate - as a kind of protest and migration: I'm here I can not, I'll go from here ... That prospect does not please
. At the same time I'm still an optimist. Because of the view of Marcus Aurelius, that wherever you can live, you can live well. Even now.
Not us, but great it was said, "Because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold; But he who endures to the end shall be saved "(Matthew 24: 12-13 from the ed.). However, salvation is not currently associated with a meaningless protests in the squares and streets. Unfortunately, those who come to the area, do not bring any new ideology. They have different outlook. They do not carry anything new. This is an attempt to change the standard power non-standard methods.
We can only survive if radically changed his outlook. We should see a kind of power centers. Mental, mental strength, which will set a different picture of the world. Optimistic, cheerful, unselfish, moral and spiritual. Если мы сможем это сделать, то спасем весь этот мир по известному эффекту «сотой обезьяны».
Был такой эксперимент, который заключался в том, что на островках маленького архипелага расселили обезьян и кидали им очищенные бананы. Сначала обезьяны ели их с песком. Потом одна обезьяна догадалась купать банан в воде. Ее примеру последовала вторая, третья… И когда сто обезьян до этого додумались, все обезьяны вокруг на архипелаге стали мыть бананы в воде! Сработал эффект аккумуляции. Через связывающее нас, то самое морфическое поле, о котором так подробно писал Руперт Шелдрейк.
Если это произойдет, мы еще можем подняться. Но преобразование будет только в том случае, если мы изменим действительность, изменим сознание. Насколько это возможно? Я делаю то, что я могу. Я объясняю людям, как можно не выживать, но жить даже в этом сумасшедшем мире.
Я создал специальную интегративную систему психотерапии – так называемое интегральное нейропрограммирование, которое позволяет решать любые психологические и телесные проблемы человека. И не просто решать, но еще и выводить его на тот уровень, когда он начинает думать о высоком и нравственном. Начинает осмысливать жизнь. И жить со вкусом, а не выживать. И я преподаю эту науку всем желающим. Ничего не скрывая и объясняя все.
— Подобные интервью, если рассматривать их как образовательные, можно бросить в копилку добродетели…
Это не добродетель, потому что трудно назвать добродетелью то, что ты просто живешь по совести. Той самой, что соответствует подлинной морали и нравственности. Это то, как должен жить человек. Просто люди уже забыли, что это такое: жить по совести. Им помогли это забыть. Потому что люди, которые живут по совести, не могут допустить всех тех безобразий, которые сейчас творятся. Для власть имущих сего мира лучше иметь бессовестных подчиненных. Их легко купить. Тех, кто живет по совести, купить трудно, до невозможности…
А совесть, которая есть во мне, связанна с тем, что я поднялся по уровню жизни. Я смотрю на этот мир немножко по-другому. На первом, втором уровне вы смотрите на вечность с точки зрения мира. Вечность кажется маленькой, а мир очень большим. А я уже давно смотрю на этот мир из вечности. И хорошо понимаю, что он мал и конечен. А вечность – бесконечна и беспредельна… опубликовано
Автор: Ковалев Сергей Викторович