The revolution in cancer: more and more types of cancer manages to completely heal!

Edition Site has learned news that you need to write a lot, but no reason not to write. That's about it laments Victor Levy, MD - specialist rehabilitation medicine from Israel. We publish a fascinating story of Victor, which gives us optimism and hope is - a quiet revolution. Keyword - quiet. But this is the case when silence should violate it-Tama, drums and volleys revolutionary "Aurora". And all because that in medicine there was a real revolution. And know this must all. This is true, not inflated in someone's interests sensation. It is not longer a theory but a practice. It must write and broadcast at every step. And then there will be saved the lives of many people, including those who do not already have it any hope.
The last few years we have witnessed a truly revolutionary change in medicine. Unfortunately, these developments have reached is not to all countries, moreover - not all doctors are aware of your
. In this article I want to talk in general terms about a breakthrough in the treatment of a number of the most difficult cancers (and other) diseases, until recently considered incurable. Moreover, as a practicing physician Israel, I will bring stories from personal experiences with examples of my patients from the former CIS. As they say - the first person
. So what is it?
First of all, it is a new biological and immunological drugs has been proven very effective in treating many kinds of diseases such as lung cancer, metastatic melanoma, kidney cancer, bladder cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, stomach cancer, hepatitis C, and many others. Moreover, these drugs help precisely in cases with advanced stages of the disease, when tumor metastasis has already begun.
As is known, conventional chemotherapy has a systemic effect on the entire human body, destroying both cancer and healthy cells. The most obvious example -. Hair loss during chemotherapy
Biological drugs are also dotted - only destroying genetically modified cancer cells in the body, and without affecting healthy ones. For example, Zelboraf (Zelboraf) blocks the serine-threonine kinase that is encoded by the genome of the BRAF, which, in turn, is responsible for the development of melanoma. The patient is doing genetic research and, if confirmed BRAF mutation, Zelboraf is salvation for these patients.
I have a patient of 56 years who underwent surgery due to melanoma skin back 10 years ago. A year ago he was diagnosed metastases in the lung, spine, and brain. After confirming the presence of BRAF mutations in the patient began receiving Zelboraf, and within a month all metastases disappeared.
< Immunological drugs operate on a different principle. They train and mobilize the immune system to fight cancer cells. The cancer - is released from the control group of cells to malfunction in the DNA, which manages to disguise themselves and become invisible to the immune system, which normally is able to cope with single cancer cells, are constantly emerging in the human body. Immunological drugs relieve disguise with cancers, giving the "face" of the immune system starts to destroy the tumor throughout the body, including distant metastasis - without harming healthy cells. That is, if in a nutshell. If, for example, genetic research on BRAF patient with metastatic melanoma not show the mutation, it is given an immunological preparation - Opdivo (Opdivo). And such patients I also have.
Regarding the treatment of the latest biological and immunological preparations and other examples can be cited: Izlechivaemost for hepatitis C, which is deadly, not less than cancer, now reaches 90-98% with such drugs as the latest Harvoni (Harvoni), Sovaldi (Sovaldi) , Vieraks (Vierax), Eksviera (Exviera) even in those patients who have already been treated unsuccessfully with interferon and ribovirin and are in advanced stages of cirrhosis of the liver.
Drugs like Opdivo (Opdivo), Keytruda (Keytruda), Erbitux (Erbitux) and others introduced into remission in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma, bladder, lung, colon, breast.
Already in itself the appearance of these drugs - a huge breakthrough, and in Israel, their use is a standard
. But that's not all.
Recently we have started some of our patients the latest personal genetic research. These are held on the basis of the analysis of blood or tumor tissue resulting from surgery or biopsy and, in a period of one to three weeks, give answers to a A number of important questions:
The genetic analysis of tumor - specific mutations (changes in tumor structure at the cellular level), allows us to provide effective treatment for certain biologic What is the impact of different types of chemotherapy to a specific tumor of the patient? This study is similar for many years a well-known study of the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics, only examines the sensitivity of tumor cells to chemotherapeutic drugs. What is wagging all kinds of biological products for a particular type of patient tumor? What is the impact immunological drugs on a specific type of tumor the patient? The urgency of treatment (depending on the type of tumor) Ability to early detection of cancer early detection for the patient's family
Patients have been several reports of treatment without visible results the tumor does not respond to treatment when cancers with low chance of cure When tumors from an unknown source
The fact that the data research personified - they give the answers for the treatment of a particular type of specific cancer patient
. And, accordingly, allowed to pre-select a drug which is effective will be the maximum for a given patient. That is - just choose the most effective medication and dosage, without spending many months on a "trial and error". It is often a matter of life and death.
And, besides, biological and immunological drugs currently quite expensive, so the pre-selected on the basis of genetic testing a drug not only saves time, but also a lot of money.
By the way - the money
. As I said, the problem with drugs discussed - it is their high price, although recent months, prices have begun to drop significantly, and I expect this trend to continue. But is it possible to estimate the money of human life? After all, until recently, many of these diseases can not be cured at any price.
Be that as it may, the person using the described methods of treatment, I can say with confidence, that modern science and medicine carried a major breakthrough in the treatment of a large number of severe diseases.
And for a snack: In August last year, Jimmy Carter, former US president said that he had cancer with multiple metastases. And in early December, he said that after a course of treatment of immunological drug «keytruda», which, incidentally, is in clinical trials in Israel, his body no traces of the disease.
Israeli medicine is once again one of the first in the world has developed and has adopted the latest drugs and technology. And I am pleased to feel their involvement in this process.
via snob.ru/profile/29511/blog/106372
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