Talk with those with whom it is impossible - a powerful practice of liberation
I think almost everyone familiar with the situation when a relationship with a man stopped, but nevertheless feelings, thoughts and words addressed to him, there is a lot.
Relationships can end differently. Sometimes they like to themselves come to naught, and does not remain unsaid, as they faded power. But there is another, break off the relationship, regardless of whether you are ready for it.
An example would be a sudden you think, partner solution (other) end the relationship, boss unexpected decision to fire you, or the death of a loved one. we can say in some cases, the reaction stopped, whereas the relationship yet still alive.
That surprise may leave a large amount of "hung" reactions. On the one hand, without waiting for the break, the man could not express all that has accumulated over a long period, on the other hand, he is not experienced a reaction to the break itself as such. It also happens that a man parting was ready, but at least the loss of experience there are all new and new feelings.
A situation where a dialogue is not possible for various reasons, can restrain a person for years. Internally, many times rehearsed dozens of call options that have not taken place in reality. What to do when an important conversation to have, for various reasons can not take place. One way to cope, may be writing letters.
The purpose of writing a letter is not to send, and to help themselves to free himself from the cyclical dialogue (or rather monologues) in the head, from the strong emotions that affect your whole life. Letters also help in situations where dialogue is possible, but you for some reason are not ready, can not or do not want to talk about their experiences directly. Perhaps the feeling is too complex, reaction partner may be afraid.
One of the advantages of the "letter without sending" that there is no need for what is called "follow the market". You can write all that wish, in any form convenient for you. You can ask for forgiveness, to claim, to burst with anger or a declaration of love. In general, to express all the feelings that you have.
During the conversation with relatives or with a psychologist, you can gradually dismantle the entire inner chaos left after shocks. But there are situations when a person no one to share their experiences, and when all the words and the feelings and thoughts swirling in his head, without order, mixed, and this state only exacerbates the situation. This explains another plus writing letters - ordering. Gradually writing out every word, you are stacked on shelves all that is happening in your inner world. But it is better to write a letter by hand on paper.
So, if this method has inspired you to select a suitable time and place where no one will bother. This is important, because when writing a letter can climb feelings, tears roll, for example. And you have to have a space for experiences. You can write about your pain, anger, resentment or regret. There are no restrictions. Sometimes the letters are long, sometimes short, one-line, they may be uniform or inconsistent.
Letters like a conversation with those with whom it is impossible
It is not so important, the main thing that they will help. I remind you not to send a letter! The letter was written. How to decide to do it yourself. I recommend not to store letters, nevertheless the main sense techniques to help yourself get rid of the feelings, which eventually could become toxic. Anyone can come up with a method that is suitable for you. The variant of the burning, "the ritual burning of" if you want.
Firstly, it is a kind of ritual cleansing and it is no secret that in many cultures this is done using a flame.
Second, when your loved one dies, and so want him to hear your thoughts, feelings, and it may sound mystical, but it is possible in such a way to "deliver" a letter to where the letters "do not send", and in this case, the burning It can be seen as a way to "deliver».
I hope that this technique will help many in a situation where your feelings and experiences have no opportunity to be heard by those who are important to you, or who are more with you there, or to exempt from unspoken phrases, thoughts and feelings of your life . published econet.ru
Author: Dnishev Tamila
Relationships can end differently. Sometimes they like to themselves come to naught, and does not remain unsaid, as they faded power. But there is another, break off the relationship, regardless of whether you are ready for it.
An example would be a sudden you think, partner solution (other) end the relationship, boss unexpected decision to fire you, or the death of a loved one. we can say in some cases, the reaction stopped, whereas the relationship yet still alive.
That surprise may leave a large amount of "hung" reactions. On the one hand, without waiting for the break, the man could not express all that has accumulated over a long period, on the other hand, he is not experienced a reaction to the break itself as such. It also happens that a man parting was ready, but at least the loss of experience there are all new and new feelings.

A situation where a dialogue is not possible for various reasons, can restrain a person for years. Internally, many times rehearsed dozens of call options that have not taken place in reality. What to do when an important conversation to have, for various reasons can not take place. One way to cope, may be writing letters.
The purpose of writing a letter is not to send, and to help themselves to free himself from the cyclical dialogue (or rather monologues) in the head, from the strong emotions that affect your whole life. Letters also help in situations where dialogue is possible, but you for some reason are not ready, can not or do not want to talk about their experiences directly. Perhaps the feeling is too complex, reaction partner may be afraid.
One of the advantages of the "letter without sending" that there is no need for what is called "follow the market". You can write all that wish, in any form convenient for you. You can ask for forgiveness, to claim, to burst with anger or a declaration of love. In general, to express all the feelings that you have.
During the conversation with relatives or with a psychologist, you can gradually dismantle the entire inner chaos left after shocks. But there are situations when a person no one to share their experiences, and when all the words and the feelings and thoughts swirling in his head, without order, mixed, and this state only exacerbates the situation. This explains another plus writing letters - ordering. Gradually writing out every word, you are stacked on shelves all that is happening in your inner world. But it is better to write a letter by hand on paper.
So, if this method has inspired you to select a suitable time and place where no one will bother. This is important, because when writing a letter can climb feelings, tears roll, for example. And you have to have a space for experiences. You can write about your pain, anger, resentment or regret. There are no restrictions. Sometimes the letters are long, sometimes short, one-line, they may be uniform or inconsistent.
Letters like a conversation with those with whom it is impossible
It is not so important, the main thing that they will help. I remind you not to send a letter! The letter was written. How to decide to do it yourself. I recommend not to store letters, nevertheless the main sense techniques to help yourself get rid of the feelings, which eventually could become toxic. Anyone can come up with a method that is suitable for you. The variant of the burning, "the ritual burning of" if you want.
Firstly, it is a kind of ritual cleansing and it is no secret that in many cultures this is done using a flame.
Second, when your loved one dies, and so want him to hear your thoughts, feelings, and it may sound mystical, but it is possible in such a way to "deliver" a letter to where the letters "do not send", and in this case, the burning It can be seen as a way to "deliver».
I hope that this technique will help many in a situation where your feelings and experiences have no opportunity to be heard by those who are important to you, or who are more with you there, or to exempt from unspoken phrases, thoughts and feelings of your life . published econet.ru
Author: Dnishev Tamila