Anxious people ruining him of whom he worries
Do not believe me? Yes, the facts of a million! Mom is afraid that the child will catch a cold, Kuta him. It is not tempered and really cold. My husband does not want to worry about disturbing your wife is trying to get home faster, crossing the street, hit by a car.
Let me give you a clinical example.
Male 37 years old, often ill, having a "bouquet" of psychosomatic diseases (peptic ulcer, chronic bronchitis, hepatocholecystitis and something else), I entered into our clinic for registration of disability or complete recovery (such was the demand for the authorities).
One of the main factors behind the disease, there was a desire not to disturb his mother worrying. He came home every day at ten o'clock call that is already home. There were still some seemingly innocuous requirements. Their fate spread to different cities. The absurdity of this rule soon became interfere with his life. Phone did not work sometimes, and he was forced to flee to the telephone booth, which was far from home, to tell my mother that has already come home. Once he was beaten when he came back after such a call. Do not call, he could not. My mother sent a telegram with delay-zipper.
The first wife could not stand it and went away from him. The second is also the joy of such a filial love experienced. there was a tense atmosphere in the family.
On production, he refused because of the mother's anxiety from some trips which were fraught with danger elements. He began to get sick. The "reason" to refuse certain orders. The employee was sensible.
Once he has put forward an idea and formed the group for its implementation. Employees were delayed until late in the laboratory, where it was not the phone with long-distance communication. It is repeated often enough, but he was forced to go to call the mother of the house at 10 pm. Soon he was expelled from the group. The work was so valuable that it has received the State Prize.
His experiences can not tell. I think that these health disturbances are not added.
By the way, one of the most significant moments in his treatment gap was neurotic hitch mother-son. Mom now knew that if there is a call from her son at 10 pm, he announces big trouble.
Author: Michael Litvak
Let me give you a clinical example.
Male 37 years old, often ill, having a "bouquet" of psychosomatic diseases (peptic ulcer, chronic bronchitis, hepatocholecystitis and something else), I entered into our clinic for registration of disability or complete recovery (such was the demand for the authorities).

One of the main factors behind the disease, there was a desire not to disturb his mother worrying. He came home every day at ten o'clock call that is already home. There were still some seemingly innocuous requirements. Their fate spread to different cities. The absurdity of this rule soon became interfere with his life. Phone did not work sometimes, and he was forced to flee to the telephone booth, which was far from home, to tell my mother that has already come home. Once he was beaten when he came back after such a call. Do not call, he could not. My mother sent a telegram with delay-zipper.
The first wife could not stand it and went away from him. The second is also the joy of such a filial love experienced. there was a tense atmosphere in the family.
On production, he refused because of the mother's anxiety from some trips which were fraught with danger elements. He began to get sick. The "reason" to refuse certain orders. The employee was sensible.
Once he has put forward an idea and formed the group for its implementation. Employees were delayed until late in the laboratory, where it was not the phone with long-distance communication. It is repeated often enough, but he was forced to go to call the mother of the house at 10 pm. Soon he was expelled from the group. The work was so valuable that it has received the State Prize.
His experiences can not tell. I think that these health disturbances are not added.
By the way, one of the most significant moments in his treatment gap was neurotic hitch mother-son. Mom now knew that if there is a call from her son at 10 pm, he announces big trouble.
Author: Michael Litvak
If the woman involves saving mode, so it is "off," the woman
As wise people say to those who they do not like