Positive aspects of raw food:
It contains the solar energy, and it is the best provider for the individual. Together with, we eat plants solar energy.
It contains all the vitamins in an unmodified form. Without vitamins is not a healthy life, but without the raw food is not vitamins.
It contains all the mineral salts to humans in natural form. Without salt there is no life.
It contains more bases (alkali) than acids. Alkalis are very valuable for the health, strength, endurance and fight infections.
She eventually immunizes the body against harmful bacteria.
It combines good taste with appetite stimulation.
It is harder and therefore requires a good chewing and saliva obrabatyvaniya that develops teeth and masticatory apparatus.
It is cheaper for three reasons: it is not necessary plates, fuel and a large number of products
. It does not contain any health-effect contaminants.
"Raw food and its preparation" Tarasov, Bokhanovskiy.
Leningrad, 1931