1.Sovremennaya medicine does not cure the disease. Medications eliminate the symptoms, which are, in fact, only the results of the external manifestations of the body's fight against the cause of the disease. The main cause of most diseases is the weakness and the protective functions of the constant intoxication by toxins contained in the cooked food. In other words, it is a chronic weakening of immunity in all people, eating the cooked food.
2. In fact, no epidemics of flu does not exist, the real disease of mankind - is chronically weakened immune system, which is the main cause of unhealthy food. Eating fresh food, you can not be afraid of any viruses.
3. Doctors now prescribe the right and left so-called "sick" a variety of toxic organism medicines. As a result of medication in the body are activated protective mechanisms that come into the fight with an intoxication by the "drugs". And after a while there comes a "relief" promised in the instructions to the drug, such as the temperature drops, less sore throat, runny nose passes
. In fact, the body simply ceased to fight disease and eliminate toxins (which can be displayed just as the common cold). Symptoms of the disease are, the toxins remain within us, and we naively believe that cured using a tablet and is already healthy.
4. Raw food diet increases the body's defenses by eliminating the need for extra output produced from an unhealthy diet of toxins, as well as eliminating the breeding ground for alien flora in the gastrointestinal tract.
5. Modern medicine has never approve of a raw food diet, because then the medicine itself would cease to exist. If people eat right, they will cease to hurt, by itself eliminate the need for medical services and medicines. Do not approve of a raw food diet and producers of meat, fish, and chemical products.
There have woven economic and political interests of whole corporations and states, so it is not difficult to guess what the promotion will be held in these states: Drink beer, eat meat, pay doctors and frees up space for the next generation within 50-60 years