The natural "Varenkov"?

It is known that in nature there is no hot food at all (the highest temperature has apparently predator sacrifice, i.e. no more than 36 - 39 ° C). This explains why in the XVIII century. famous French paleontologist Cuvier noted that tens of thousands of years of the gastrointestinal tract of man's existence on earth has not changed and is still designed for the digestion of raw food, not cooked on the fire.
In fact, do not have those mechanisms, which would be designed for hot food (or supercooled food) in the morphological and functional relationships in the human digestive apparatus. Moreover, under the influence of the latter it decomposes proteins those portions of the digestive tract, which are directly in contact with it (remember that proteins break down at a temperature of 46 - 48 ° C). In particular, under the influence of hot food there are changes of the gastric mucosa (from the damage of the mucus layer and a violation of secretion and production of enzymes), the absence of the protective mucous layer leads to autolysis when stomach acid begins to digest the wall of his own stomach, forming an ulcer, so more than half all adults are diagnosed with gastritis of varying severity (especially - the constant overeating hot food)
. The high temperature treated food largely broken its own structure. Proteins are denatured products, including food and contained a significant portion of vitamins and enzymes, antioxidants. Enzymes play an important role in the so-called autolysis in which they carry the intracellular digestion of foods consumed by man and thereby greatly facilitate its absorption.
Autolysis about 50% provides own digestion enzymes and digestive juices include only autolysis mechanisms. Inhibition of autolysis same mechanisms leads to that in the gastrointestinal tract to digest food is not completely, part of its structure remains, making it difficult to prevent digestion and normal operation of the gastrointestinal tract and the entire organism. Thus, the assimilation of thermally processed food costing him a more expensive price of energy and metabolic disorders.
When the high temperature treatment is disturbed and the structure of carbohydrates (particularly difficult - cellulose and starch), washed (when boiling) minerals, proteins, etc. Naturally, the consequences of such use of food affect almost all levels of the digestive tract (not to mention the metabolism). Thus, the loss of bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties of a food deprives it of the ability to disinfect the mouth, creating the conditions for teeth and gum disease. Cooked food is easily masticated, due to which decreases blood flow to the teeth. To make matters worse, it turned out the natural biological complexes calcium is poorly absorbed, so the teeth lack it. To neutralize the excess acidity that occurs in the oral cavity due to eating rich in carbohydrates, fats and sodium chloride food needed calcium, the body receives by leaching it from the bones and teeth (although we should not forget that fruits are rich in acids, and you just need to follow the raw food on oral or veganism).
Digested food contains very little bioregulators (plant hormones, enzymes, vitamins), which leads to disruption of neurochemical mechanisms by which a person has a feeling of fullness - as a result lost a sense of proportion in the food (this is, incidentally, contributes to the passive chewing) which leads to overeating. In the intestine, such food (especially protein) stimulates the growth of abnormal microflora which waste products are toxic in nature and soaked in blood, violate the course of metabolic processes, inhibited the growth of beneficial flora conditionally gastrointestinal tract, which produces vitamins. In addition, reduced intestinal motility stimulating fiber slows down the passage of stool in the colon, are actively absorbed water, which leads to constipation, colitis, polyps, cancer and other diseases of the digestive tract.
Under the influence of high temperatures typical of the majority of the products is broken alkaline reaction, so the body is marked displacement of the acid-base balance in the acid side with all the consequences described above. Deficiency of vitamins, enzymes, and other biologically active substances leads to the difficulty of the liver and the violation of its activity, that the huge role of the liver in the provision of life provokes violation condition of the whole organism. From eating subjected to high temperature food suffer and endocrine glands, as for the synthesis of hormones they need highly natural systems are already destroyed in the preparation of such food.
Roughly speaking - nature has provided us with the raw food is very important to us with vitamins, antioxidants, enzymes in raw food no toxins that appear when heated fat, etc., raw food do not wear out your body as much as it does the usual daily diet.