That's what the police have come up from Lithuania on March 8
International Women's Day - a wonderful spring holiday, which is celebrated around the world. In Lithuania, for example, the police this year already congratulate the beautiful half of a very original way: on this day instead of penalties they give women flowers and compliments
. We are in the Website in admiration of this great tradition! See what a sincere and happy smiles of these ladies!
via www.boredpanda.com/lithuanian-police-officers-give-flowers-international-womens-day/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=BPFacebook
. We are in the Website in admiration of this great tradition! See what a sincere and happy smiles of these ladies!

via www.boredpanda.com/lithuanian-police-officers-give-flowers-international-womens-day/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=BPFacebook
All people from birth are 100% raw foodists
9 discoveries that I have made, having worked in an orphanage