All people from birth are 100% raw foodists

Thousands of years of people are convinced that their natural food is meat and fish. TV shows are inundated with culinary programs in which most of the meat dishes. Media also support the lie that people are predators and must constantly eat animal protein. This publication contains facts that suggest that all people from birth are raw foodists, and meat for them a foreign product, which leads only to disease.
The man's eyes are directed forward, and the field of view is much less than the predators have difficulty seeing in the dark
The nostrils pointing downwards - are aimed at capturing odors on the earth below or in the immediate vicinity in front of him
Ears - limited mobility, direction mainly sideways and slightly forward
Jaws of Person move left and right, like herbivores. Predators only up and down
Teeth - the absence of canines, the presence of flat molars - for grinding plant foods
The absence of predators salivary amylase enzyme (cleaves glucose). In humans and all herbivores amylase there!
Nails, not claws
Contrasted thumb - for grasping and loosening fruit
skeletal structure does not provide for predation. Example - the cat - jump from place 4 times the length of the body
Do predators relatively short small intestine just 2 - 3 times the length of the body, because the meat is digested in the small intestine more quickly than plant foods ... I herbivores 6-10 times. In humans, up to 6 times.
gastric acidity such as herbivores, which is 10 times smaller than
predators At birth the microflora in the colon - Escherichia coli, which is perfectly digest fiber and does not digest meat
Tastes - for a child put a piece of raw meat, a tuft of grass, banana. What will he eat when hungry?
Do you still have doubts? Then read the continuation of the dangers of meat ...
Eating meat is a person gets severe poisoning due to the fact that the meat in a long small intestine begins to rot and form toxins - indole, skatole, ammonia, urea, which are immediately absorbed into the bloodstream and poison the body
. Alexey Kobelev