About fasting.

Fasting completely updates the immune system, during starvation the body gets rid of unneeded or damaged cells. When a person begins to eat again, his stem cells produce new white blood cells, the immune system is actually refreshing.
Refusal of food for three days can completely renovate the immune system, even in the elderly. Many nutritionists have criticized fasting, believing that it brings serious damage to the body, but in the new study found that after fasting stem cells begin to produce in large numbers of white blood cells (leukocytes) are actively struggling with various infections. Scientists believe that their discovery could bring great benefit, particularly to people with weakened immune systems such as cancer patients after chemotherapy. Older people can also use the method of fasting, it will greatly enhance their immune system and helps in the fight against common diseases.
As expressed in the experts, the hunger strike is actually "presses the reset button", causing stem cells to produce new white blood cells.
In the process of research subjects offered regularly arrange fasting cycles - from two to four days - for six months. The researchers found that multi-day hunger strike also reduces the amount of PKA enzyme associated with aging, as well as the hormone responsible for the growth of cancer tumors.
When a person is hungry, his body is trying to conserve energy, and for this it is removed from a large number of unused immune cells, especially those that are damaged. First, we noticed that in humans, as well as in animals during prolonged starvation white blood cell count decreases. When people start to eat again, new white blood cells.
If this discovery is confirmed in clinical trials of other research groups, fasting may be one of the most common treatments prescribed to people with a weakened immune system, especially the elderly and cancer patients.
Holding fast in 3 days is not particularly different from the daily fasting. The preparatory period will require you to plant-based diet, receiving a laxative the night before or the morning cleansing enema.
Three days of fasting pass with copious amounts of water you drink. Clysterize necessary as required.
"Exit" to be made of any starvation. Use it as a transitional stage on the daily to the long-term. The fact is that during the 24-hour fasting the body does not have time to readjust to the "internal" power mechanism. And if you do not eat 3 days, this process is started: digestion slows down, activates mechanisms of splitting their own fat. However, the full transition to internal power supply does not take place, not acidotic crisis occurs that disrupts the physiology of starvation process.
The three-day abstinence from food practice in the case of heavy flow more prolonged fasting.
Acidotic (cleansing) is called a crisis of that moment in the diet when the body is fully transferred to the internal power supply mechanism. We can say that this is the culmination of fasting, which includes all effective healing mechanisms. In the short-term starvation acidotic crisis does not occur, as the body does not have time to adjust to a different type of food.
Maturity depends on the experience of fasting starving. The longer the patient refrains from gluttony, the sooner will come acidotic crisis. This happens about 5-7 day diet, for beginners - on the 10-12th day. The crisis shows that at the first prolonged fasting the body is purified longer. But with regular use of long-term diet crisis occurs already at 4-5-th day of fasting.
After exiting the crisis acidotic body completely rebuilds the internal power supply. That is when the true start of rejuvenation process, the active assimilation of nitrogen and carbon from the air. Such fasting is considered not just cleaning (prophylaxis), but also medical, used in a number of diseases.
Completing the single fasting before the crisis can be, but it is best to take a course to the end. All the more so after the crisis abstaining from food in large quantities pass without complications and carried much easier. The period of fasting before the crisis called early after its occurrence - late
. It is important to remember that the onset of acidotic crisis feel much worse. If you have a chronic disease, aggravation of their symptoms will point to the correct procedure to follow prolonged fasting. Scientists, however, warn that the use of this procedure should only be under the supervision of experienced nutritionists and doctors, not to cause harm to the body.