And so what is the culinary arts? Cooks - almost gods, prepare gourmet meals, describe their formulation and preparation of the details for us. And we lust "swallows" first eyes, and then greedily stuffed in his mouth a huge number of products, presented to us diverse, considering it its food.
Let us remember that Nature has given man the food ... And who came up with the cooking? We are confident that you know the answer!
We have every right to claim, as is our knowledge based on our own experience, that the apple does not in itself require any treatment! Not to rub on a grater it is not necessary, nor bake with sugar or used as a filling in cakes. From this apple only loses its taste! Not to mention its use. Maybe someone does not like apples. Example with strawberries. Is Berry is not good in itself? Why put it in a blender, mix with milk products? After all, if we lose more than we find!
But it's delicious! Shout you. Oh yeah! We had also adhered to this view. First you have to understand that the meat does not taste good, then, that the potatoes are delicious, then ... Well, say, urban residents, whether you know the natural taste of milk? Well, the very real milk that straight from the udder ladybugs come from? So first we familiarized with natural products, listen to yourself, and then draw conclusions, corrected power. Of course, in the early years in the village, we "Dorval" to natural milk. And fresh, and chilled in the cellar in clay jugs, and sour milk! And cottage cheese, and homemade cheeses are different, and cream and paneer and ghee milk ...
What we just did not get up. A dairy shop in the house. Even the press specifically Michael did, so that hard cheeses were produced. And what is the result? I did not dare to publish our photos of those years: the two thick with the subject's faces and thick lunoobraznym even hands! For a while we thought it's great - portly body, exercise in the fresh air, blush on the cheeks! But common sense, fortunately, prevailed. When they began to realize that not just walk and carry their plump body, it is sobering. And we were on the milk! To our surprise, it was not difficult. And the extra weight began to go in front.
Does milk me now? No. I do not want. In summer, eating ice cream, but every time I noticed that disgusting aftertaste. Are we going to have it next summer? Hardly.
And so gradually we became acquainted with the real taste of food. Now we know for sure that no one in the diet that has a variety of meat and oil products, does not know the true taste of nuts. And certainly not meat eaters learn the subtleties of flavors of different varieties of viburnum, or wild thorns. And he, thorn, it is also different. How many varieties of apples, as well as many varieties of wild berries, grapes and thorns. And the nuts on each bush hazel in their own different. And taste is not repeated year after year!
Let us return to the culinary arts. Nuts just - no, it's against the rules. It is necessary to grind them, add them to a salad, cream; shove prunes instead of bones and soaked in red wine! And this, according to you, nuts?
And Ayurvedic cooking? I am over 15 years has been subdued this magical kitchen, capable of simple cereal to make a masterpiece with the help of spices and owning a simple method bookmark good energy in cooking. But everything has its time. This technique of cooking is also now we do not need. It certainly served as the evolution of our consciousness. But today we know that even porridge each has its own unique flavor as well as every seed spices. Each flavor is perfect in its own way! And to satisfy hunger can be a lot easier if not in the arsenal of salad and soup, and individual products. And there is no separate power supply. Just with you, our body has a right to know the taste of each product that we offer him. Then he will help us to become truly happy and feel the ease and joy of life, not by sitting at the table to try something tasty.
Author Alexander Chechelnitskaya