dandelion juice

✔Sok this is one of the most valuable tonic, tonic. It is necessary to neutralize sverhkislotnosti, normalization of alkaline body composition.
✔Etot juice having an extremely high percentage of potassium, calcium and sodium, is the richest source of magnesium and iron. Magnesium is essential for strengthening the bones and prevents a softening of the bones. A sufficient amount of organic magnesium and calcium in the diet during pregnancy prevents the loss of or damage to the teeth, and helps to strengthen the child's bones.
✔Organichesky correct proportions of magnesium, calcium, iron and sulfur needed for the formation of certain ingredients (parts by stavnyh) blood, such as magnesium has renewing power and represents one of the structural elements of the organism cells, especially lung tissue, and nervous system.
✔Zhiznenno important organic magnesium can be obtained only if it is made from fresh plants and used in fresh and raw. However, it should not be confused with magnesium drugs, because they are inorganic minerals that prevent the proper functioning of a healthy body.