Liver. Chemical laboratory organism

Speaking about the choice between plant and animal food would be incomplete if we did not say a word about the liver. The research of the late twentieth century show that our body is able to synthesize proteins, receiving only food carbohydrates, starches, dietary fiber, just as do all the herbivores. Liver - is the place where proteins are synthesized by our body. Building material comes from the gut. There our microflora synthesize amino acids, fixing nitrogen.
But it turns out, if dominated by meat and cooked food? Animal protein is perceived by the body as foreign, and must be neutralized. Almost all of it is converted into urea in the liver and kidneys is transmitted to the output from the body. No one wants this work requires the prior synthesis of a large number of enzymes. Along with an endless stream of animal proteins in the liver receives the waste products of putrefying bacteria, which multiply in the undigested proteins are denatured by suppressing our native flora, releasing poisons (toxins). These poisons must be neutralized. And does all this work the liver.
And besides liver must carry out the synthesis of human proteins, hemoglobin, glycogen, vitamins, enzymes. What do you think, whether this body can work in such extreme mode for a long time?
The result - exhaustion and loss of function, resulting in the blood begin to fall and foreign proteins and toxins, causing allergic reactions and diseases of various organs.
And this is just the tip of the iceberg. My search for adequate nutrition began with unpleasant sensations in the liver. But this body once said to me in return, as soon as I switched to a raw food diet. He actively started to clean itself and soon I almost ceased to feel it.
I would like to say a few words about the liver predators. It is able to synthesize all the necessary body substances from amino acids. Therefore, they have no need for carbohydrates and dietary fiber. Do not cook porridge dogs respect predators.
Paul Sebastyanovich
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