MEMO starts Raw foodists

A few simple but useful tips to help make communication with others comfortable. Suitable not only raw foodists, and not only for beginners;)
Rules of behavior in society:
1. Charisma:
- Look well (stay healthy, active and accurate in appearance) - a personal example,
- Be in a good mood (work on your mood, so do not hurt),
- Confidence in yourself and what you are doing (awareness, motivation and a clear decision-making, awareness, intelligence),
- Doing things you love, creativity (work and life in joy)
. 2. Attitude towards others with respect:
- A positive attitude towards others,
- Do not worry,
- Love for their loved ones existence,
- Most people for their human qualities (and not the contents of their plates),
- Do not cut yourself off from friends and family, do not declare war,
- Respect the choice of each, do not condemn (try to understand the reason for their selection, more mercy),
- Do not talk about yourself all and everywhere (its power), not plant itself (raw food),
- Be prepared for the fact that at one time would have to bluff about your lifestyle and nutrition (you're not a hermit in the forest),
- If you ask questions about you (about your diet), is responsible for the situation:
№1 variant with aggressive-minded - jokes, leading to another topic, proves nothing constructive or conversation;
option №2 with undesirable people - silent (safely ignore), leading to another topic or agree with their assertion, but do on the - get the alternative (in hospitals, in the team, etc.); find an alternative to Sadiku;
variant №3 with peaceful (if you show interest) - explain intelligibly, without emotion, reinforcing their knowledge of words and logic
. - Wait until accustomed,
- Create your surroundings for mutual support
. Love and patience will give strength! Reasonableness can help find a solution!
The mechanism of interaction with others:
Me you - change your values and habits - changing whole life
. ANSWER: Are you ready to change your life? For the better? We must be ready for anything!
NOTE: A person very close a lot of different social relations with other people through nutrition and depriving yourself, you will automatically deprive themselves of the emotional connection
! Life changes - to change your surroundings
Option №1
Reject and go - unnecessary ballast
. Because: 1. Loving and appreciating you will stay with you
. Since: 2. At the expense of ridiculing your way of eating. It all depends on the adequacy of the people - the question of human intelligence
. Since: 3. We need to understand that not only are you afraid of society, but society too afraid of you
. Variant №2
Agrees and accepts you (or with you pass on your way).
Option №3
The emergence of new friends, like-minded people - a new social environment (in life and social networks)
. Option №4
Discuss - in part to take yourself or get used to you - take you
. Discuss, because: 1) show the care that you will have, due to poor awareness of this kind of food; 2) experience, for you to be afraid that you will get sick or die, and so on, as they have been taught it is such a stereotype of behavior in life and nutrition.
1. Inquire (tell or show: books and videos)
. 2. If you refuse to ask, calm, saying: "if you begin to feel worse or hurt themselves (die), then return to their previous diet"; "This is a temporary"; "Prescribed diet on health"; "I decided to arrange a fasting day"; "Overeaten yesterday and today I do not want a heavy meal," etc.
3. Gradually change your diet. This you well, so it is easier to be reconstructed body and mind to a new food, without crashing. This is both good to others, since they will gradually get used to your constant change is inevitable.
4. A radical way: temporarily walk away from a field of view, if it is possible
. 5. personal example show all the advantages of the new food (health, appearance, the cure of disease, positivity, activity).
How to discuss:
1. Take the position of "associate", you decide together one problem. For any objection hides the question of lack of information. Any dispute - is aggression
. 2. Remember that no one wants to admit a fool!
3. Try to be interested. Help to learn more.
4. On a clear objection answer consent and argued for its approval. For example: You say: "Meat should be there, as there are a lot of protein." Your answer: "I agree. I used to think so too. However (and still or yet) when I learned more, studied the issue deeply, he changed his mind. In fact, there are plenty of live foods, vegetable, where too much protein. Nor need protein, and amino acids that make up protein "Without words." No "and" but "
. 5. Remember that the objectors - it's your friends
. 6. You can praise his interlocutor: "Great, great question!»
7. Relatives and family might say, "I love you very much and respect, allow me to make a choice and to try to improve their health. I have studied this question thoroughly. Trust me. "And so on.
8. You can ask a counter-question: "What do you mean? Why do you say that? You sure about that? "When there is an answer, it is easier to respond to the objection.
9. It can be said for the beloved wife: "This is all I do for you, because I love. I would be graceful, beautiful and young. So you can proud of me. "Or" I would like our children to be healthier. Let's use this opportunity. »
The main thing is to love and respect each other, to avoid dripping on the brain, because the other part of the plates is different. This is not the most important thing in life?
Rules of conduct at the table and at events:
1. Do not go to the event with the smell until physically rebuilt (gustatory habits) and moral (psychological, emotional habits).
2. Be hungry. Do not chew constantly before the eyes of others, not to carry the table, not to think that you are hungry and thus do not give too much reason to tell you that you do not load up your meal and constantly hungry.
3. feasts do not start and did not develop (not supported), the theme of the style of your food. If, however, a discussion ensued, then try to translate everything into a joke or change the subject (ask anything, praise the hosts, ask another question about health, since you are interested in more others than you :)).
4. Filter event. You do not have anywhere to go to all.
5. At the family dinner get their food (vegetables, fruits, salads) and put yourself a full cup. Visually, you eat a lot. The main thing - the participation, communion. If your food is not that uncommon, then bring your (pre-take care of it) his food for himself and has treated it all (fruit, sweets syroednye, watermelon appreciate everything without even a raw food lecture).
6. If you are asked at a public event that you enjoy eating out more. Answer that prefer fruits (and do not say that you are raw foodists).
7. When treated violently, and say: "Do you respect me ?!". Answer: "And you me ?!" I think you want to filter your social circle and do not allow such a situation to
. 8. You can never have, referring to the fact that you have to close it ate, that the power to overcome the only fruits, vegetables or nuts.
Disorders of the respiratory system, especially the lungs and the facial skull cavities
The first channel is trumpeting that it is time to stop eating meat.