How to eat dandelions?
As soon as the month of April, the leaves are starting to appear unremarkable at first glance, plants. For some, this is an ordinary flower-weeds from which to weave the first wreaths, and for children and adults of his fluff with seeds - fun entertainment
. And for people who know and for raw foodists dandelion turns into a very useful and delicious food.
After all, how many nutrients it contains a plant - vitamins C, A, F and group B. Of the trace elements in it: sodium, potassium, manganese, magnesium, aluminum, iron, copper, calcium and more
. In it all, starting with the roots and to flower is edible and healing for the body, and all of it is also used in folk medicine.
Dandelion itself has analgesic, choleretic, diuretic, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory and tonic properties.
Truly great product for everyone, not just for vegetarians and raw foodists!
How to collect it?
I collect for myself only leaves and dandelion flowers.
I take them only in their country, rustic forest, wild fields when traveling. In the city to take I do not advise - they settle all the dust and dirt of all kinds of machines + dogs pee on them ... I would not risk their health
. The flowers I take unopened or bright yellow. Both are very tasty. Only the latter is given the sweetness of natural pollen contained on the petals plant
Better to take the young leaves, they turn out tasty, but also large pretty good, if properly handle before it.
How to handle it and prepare properly
Flowers I cook well:
I rinse it well in a colander from the main dust and dirt
After that, throw them in the toe deep and filled with water to the earth, all of them are gone.
Insist 10 minutes, then washed with additional
Now they can be cut
Cutting can knife on Boards or as personally I prefer - in the kitchen scissors
container All this beauty is thrown into our salad ...
And voila - nyamka ready
! On flowers lingers main dirt, so that it is desirable to wash them well!
If you eat them straight from your garden, it turns out very tasty.
Preparation for the salad of dandelion leaves:
We take them to wash under water. If you have prior to collection of rain, then we insist on the dirt in the water for 15-20 minutes.
Then they are soaked for an hour in water with lemon juice. Bitterness little leaves with leaves, and it will be easier to eat them. If at night to defend, it will be perfect at all.
Chop finely and salad.
Now you can eat.
And how do you use dandelion to eat? Share recipes.
Author Pelagia Ivanischenko