mental health

On the physical health of each person thinks, but that our mental health is also necessary to pay attention not to know everything. Saving mental health is important as it affects our emotional state, the state of our energy, our lives and physical health, including.
Internal stresses, emotional debris that we carry within us for many years to block the movement of energy in our body and badly affect the state of our psyche and the internal organs.
All carefully monitor the cleanliness of the physical body, but then our mind needs to be purified and recovery.
All our emotions, anger, anger and other negative emotions we pollute as much as the dirty water and dirty air.
Hatred is detrimental to heart health.
The liver suffers from anger and rage.
Anxiety and worry upset our digestion.
Pessimism, depression, despondency - the enemies of our lungs
. On the influence of negative emotions is not written one book.
What are the methods of purification of our psyche by negative emotions?
Meditation - a way of purifying the mind. Watching your breath, relax, focus on internal sensations - all this sufficiently to get rid of negative emotions that have accumulated over the past day
. After cleansing our inner space, you need to fill it with good and bright thoughts and images. After meditating longer need to try to keep the state of peace and tranquility, to communicate with loved ones and pleasant to you people listen to music. No need to watch TV to get involved in the debate, to be filled in a strange and not always with positive energy.
Physical activity also cleans the emotional debris.
There are many methods of purifying the mind, everyone can find what suits him, for the preservation of mental health is as important as the physical.