MELISSA cured of cancer through natural food

Chris Melissa tells about how she recovered from thyroid cancer. I hope this story will be as inspirational to you as it was for me. Melissa, tell me what happened five years ago.
Melissa: I just had a second son. He was already two months old. The eldest was four years old. I could not recover from pregnancy. I was constantly tired. Yes, I had two children, it's difficult, but I believe that constantly feel tired - it was not normal. In the spring of 2010, I began to get sick with colds constantly, twice I had strep throat infection.
Chris - If you are constantly sick - it means that your immune system is overloaded and weakened. When this happens - it means that your immune system can not cope with the work and the cancer cells can start to multiply rapidly in the body. So you went to the doctor again.
M - I went to the doctor with a bladder infection. When I climbed down from the table the doctor said: "Wait, you do not accidentally sore neck?" He saw a few tumor on my neck, which I did not notice it all the time. The neck does not hurt - and I did not notice anything, even looking in the mirror a few times a day. The doctor felt seal sent for a biopsy and ultrasound. He called me when I was in the store and told that I had cancer. Everything spun before my eyes. It seemed that life was over. But I saw that the people continue to live, and no one was up to me to the case. I was 26 years old.
Chris - We have noticed that a growing number of cases of cancer in young adults. In this fault the food we eat, the unfavorable environment, high levels of stress. What happened next?
M - I learned that I had cancer on Saturday. Even before let me know that the doctor had planned for me pre-radiation, chemotherapy, surgery. I thought that I would be nothing to do. I know that first of all must think about it. Doctors have already planned out my destiny. It was not fair. I did not want to go to surgery, do chemo and radio - therapy
. Chris - Why did you decide not to do
? M - I'm afraid. I have not been allowed to breathe. I believe that these things happen when - a person needs time to decide. I never do anything important without having to thoroughly think things through. From Saturday to Monday I did not have enough time to it, to consider my situation.
Chris - This is how are the doctor. They inspire you what chemistry and radiation should be started immediately, otherwise you will die. Doctors also do not give you other varinatov. Frightened people do not have the opportunity to take a sober look at things.
M - They said that if I did not do all that is necessary to fairly quickly - I die. But I knew that by Monday I will not die. I knew I was already living with cancer for some time, and feel that I have at least a few weeks.
Chris - when people are scared - they can not make rational decisions. Fear increases cortisol levels. And cortisol turns off the area of the brain responsible for rational solutions. Overcome with anger, or fear of people do things - that does not make sense. If you have been told - that you have cancer - it makes sense to take a step back and think about what is happening and why, and on what you want or do not want to do
. M - it was hard to fall back on and take a decision. Society puts pressure on you - if you do not start treatment immediately - die
. Chris - Did you support all the time
? I was. I myself went to the doctors in the hospital. I saw that when people go through the traditional surrounding meditsiny- help them, support them. When I announced that I will be treated with natural methods - people no longer understand me
. Chris - So it turns out, and this should be ready. If you are going to be treated with natural methods - you do not understand. People will think that you are wrong. So what happened next?
M - I decided that I would go home and throw out all the junk food. She took a large garbage bag and threw everything packets of crisps, drinks, all
. Chris - how do you know what you need to do? What book read first?
M - I have not read any books. I do not like to read. I found a doctor of natural medicine. She said that in addition to a large number of vitamins and supplements I should be excluded from the diet of all yeast. I thought I stop eating bread. But she said that it is not enough. It is necessary to exclude all dairy, all sugars and carbohydrates.
Chris - this is called antikandidoznaya diet. In my case, I do not uprotreblyal pure sugar and food containing sugar. But eating some fruit.
M - I did not use even the fruit, they form the vinegar, which feeds the overgrown candida in the body
. Chris - Our approach to food is different, but it is similar in that we have fundamentally changed the habitual diet. Good to know that if you follow a certain diet and do not get the results - no need to despair. Make changes or find another diet. What do you eat during the day?
M -.. I did not eat anything dairy, including cheese, yoghurt, etc. stocked raw food, do yourself a granola. She ate a lot of vegetables and fruit salads. A few months later began to drink fresh juices.
Chris - what diagnosis you put
? M - Thyroid Cancer with ...... in the lymph nodes. third degree Cancer
Chris - You drank a lot of juice
? M - Saw juice with low sugar 3-4 times a day. Davila apples, carrots, celery, beets. I grow vegetables on the site, and they pressed into juice. Germinated oats (vitgrass). Davila Chinese herbs. My kitchen looks like a mini-farm.
Chris - you had a high level of hormones ...
M - TSH - was at 48. The rate - is about four, I had too high a level. The endocrinologist has written out to me the medicine. I said that I would be treated food, naturally. She said that this is impossible, it will not work.
Chris - To survive, you have to be able to make their decisions. You should want to live. Especially when the doctor tells you what to do, and that more than anything else does not help. Anyone who wants to survive must be able to say at this moment - I do not believe
! M - Yes, you need to be able to fend for themselves
. Chris - So you refused to take medication, and the doctor said - Great
! M - Oh no! She was against it. Then I said - I know your opinion and it is not interesting to me. Watch for my tests, that's all I need. After a month and a half on my diet I figure hormone dropped to 14. The doctor said that because sometimes, but I do not believe it. In a few months, the tumor reduced in size. Hormone dropped to 10.1. I was happy. The most difficult thing was to get past the first month of the new diet. At first I was eating the same thing, then I start to experiment, I had a variety.
Chris - What percentage was in the raw food diet? 50%? More?
M - It's possible. I knew that the more raw food, the better. I drank a lot of juice. And even when I went to remarkable results, anyway, I met a lot of resistance. Doctors say that blood tests - is not an indicator. But when they put me to the diagnosis, blood tests were an indicator! Understand these doctors.
Chris - you did a lot of blood tests
? M - 6 months TSH level dropped to 5. Tumors all decreased. I had the intention to continue. But all around were careful.
Chris - and the time has come - when blood tests were completely normal, and you were healthy
M - in 2012, I already had two sons. I wanted another child. The doctors said that I can not stand, because I can not control the hormones in a natural way. In March 2012, the level of the hormone dropped to normal - to 4. And I gave birth to a third son
. Chris - so after you've been healthy for three years
. M - I was healthy and my third son was born. In 2013 I decided to remove the thyroid. Not because of the fact that forced doctors - I myself so decided. I accept the natural hormones. The doctors said that I should finish the treatment with radiation to kill harmful residual tissue. I assigned radiation, but I canceled it. I said that I will deal with the power. But my endocrinologist insisted radiation. She said that she had four patients with the same diagnosis, and they almost die from cancer. I asked - they do radiation? She said yes. I said that I was not convinced. At that time I was working with another doctor of natural medicine. He took blood samples, measured the tumor. I called early in the morning and said I was completely healthy. What he had never seen someone so quickly clean your body from cancer. He made a lot of tests. Everything was clean. I was celebrating. But nobody had to care.