Raw Food Diet & COLD

Commonly used indiscriminately, and it is believed that more people are freezing, do not have enough body fat. And as a warming agent hudyshku proposed respectively screwed salsa, eat a plate of borscht richness, and even drink vodka (only for preventive purposes - "to warm"). On the Siberian raw foodists such advisers look only as pathologically mad, not knowing, or not wanting to know what they are, how times are freezing in this weather the least! What's wrong with a massive worldview?

The truth is that we did not warm temperature of food entering the stomach or degrees drinks (hot soon lead to problems with the stomach and alcohol will reduce the volume of the brain), and in how functional our circulatory system and clean vessels!

Why with age people become merzlyavee? Any doctor will say, because slowing down physiological processes and metabolism, worsening blood circulation, especially microcirculation at the capillary level, falls immunity activity and the body's ability to regulate itself. Vessels "stale" and narrowed, the blood thickens ...

Often zyabnuschie feet and hands in people of any age as a sure sign of poor capillary or peripheral circulation, which leads to disruption of entering small vessels "warming" of blood. People are freezing due to violations of the heat exchange between the body and the environment. If the thermoregulatory mechanisms are violated, the body is unable to compensate for heat loss. This is often also in diseases of the heart and the problems in the endocrine system.

also smokers and lovers of spirits ... is in critical group (recognized warming means !!!) Nicotine directly constricting blood vessels, leads to a spasm of small capillaries. A way to warm up the liquor is not something that is ineffective, but also leads to more freezing due to violations of the heat transfer mechanism (especially over a 50-gram dose), - ambulance staff know this better than anyone else, picking up on a frost zakolevshih "... oterapevtov "roadside snowdrifts.

Regarding the raw food diet - big eyes only for fear of him! Those who gave themselves the opportunity to experience the raw food effect on himself, in one voice say, that after six months or a year freeze stopped altogether! Just as a fact, with some raw foodists experience and 20, and some 30 degrees below zero continue to walk the streets in the autumn clothes, ignoring any socks, thermal underwear and other magical gifts of civilization.

At the level of physiology explain this "phenomenon" is easy and affordable - cleansed vessels to restore the natural heat, at times risen immunity, energy, regenerative earned communication, life-affirming processes and so forth. Many raw foodists also awakened internal engine literally forces join any side of the sport, hardening or even just to move more! All this in the natural and collectively steadily harmonizes blood circulation, tones the capillaries, strengthening the spirit and surprising our urbanized consciousness. A healthy body requires a load, and the winged soul -. And flight tests

However, if you have an old habit has continue to freeze, here quite effective advice with good outcomes (as opposed to vodka and borscht fat):

Relax! You stand at the bus stop, cold, freezing ... no bus, shrink into a ball ... and freeze even more! Remember: the more you strain your muscles, shivering and cowering - especially paralyze the mechanism of thermoregulation. Therefore, the correct posture waiting your tram: back straight, shoulder blades reduced, shoulders slumped, muscle dis-weak-county-ny. You can imagine yourself to be sure ... Yogi cool on the top of the alpine ... in a wet sheet