13 psychological tricks that will make your life easier

Each of us is unique, but attentive psychologists do not stop to find behavioral patterns that are placed in us from childhood.
Website is divided psychological tricks that will help to establish communication with others and make life easier.
To see if you like the person, select one word , and each time the caller will say it or synonymous expressions, nods and smiles. If you are nice to him, you'll soon notice that the person uses it constantly. If you want, you to have apprehended seriously , tell me what your father said so. People tend to unconsciously believe parenting tips. Become a champion of the game "Rock-paper-scissors», setting opponent any question just before the start of the game. In most cases, confused the players throw it «scissors." If you want, to your partner agree with you , make sure to nod, asking the question. A nod is seen as a sign that anything you say - the truth. In addition, following the laws of social behavior, people tend to nod in response. Ever dreamed of a deserted metro station at 8 am? In places with large concentrations of people are looking in the direction of your movement. You'll be surprised at how easily the crowd parts in front of you. The secret is simple: in crowded places people look in the eyes of other pedestrians to understand where they are sent, and not to run with them If you in your head stuck a song that you would gladly forget. , remember the end of the song. According Zeigarnik effect, our brain better remember things unfinished. Therefore, if you think about the end of the song, it will go away. Do you want to get your children to eat broccoli? Instead of asking whether they want them, ask them how many pieces to put 5 or 2. Thus, you have already selected the broccoli for them, but the children feel that they have decided to do You can. use this trick by analogy to other situations. If you think you are being followed, and just yawn Go through the people around A friend will help you to bring any thing, box for example, if, passing it, you will continue to talk. Most people do not notice the trick and take the box. However, care should be taken with care by people - they may hesitate to If you have to shake, make sure your hands are well warmed.. Warm hands associate people with friendliness and affability , while touching the cold hand can cause rejection and hostility. Rephrase what was said by your interlocutor, and repeat it. He will realize that it really listen, and most importantly, understand. Just do not overdo it. If you want, to help you, start your request with "I need your help ...» If someone you disliked, ask him for a pencil. On the one hand, people do not tend to help those who they do not like, but on the other - it is too small request to reject it. Thus, a person convinces himself that is not too much you do not like it.
via theawesomedaily.com/14-cool-psychology-tricks-you-need-to-try/?_notoolbar&_nospa=true
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