Syroedchesky vegetable soup "diet"

It is very easy to prepare vegetable soup "diet" does not contain more than 250 calories per 100g.
In this case it is obtained not only beautiful and hearty, but also extremely beneficial to health, harmony and youth.
To be honest, this diet soup recipe appeared because I absolutely do not like savoy cabbage Syroedchesky icon smile vegetable soup "Dietary»
I bought it because of the dark green color, that is, it is rich in chlorophyll and, besides, I had not tried it before. And I, as you know, I love to learn new products.
So, the composition and amount of nutrients in savoy cabbage simply dazzling.
It contains almost the entire periodic table and is a powerful antioxidant, plus improves blood has cleansed, immunostimulatory and anti-tumor properties.
Write that fiber savoy cabbage is very well absorbed, and she herself is gentler, softer and more fragrant than we know of cabbage. Well, not knowledge-i-ide ...
It seemed to me that the savoy cabbage is much tougher. And drier. I tried to make a salad ... I did not like.
If you like raw Savoy cabbage and know how to do it from delicious salads - please share recipes in the comments - I will be very grateful
! I decided to include such a valuable product in the vegetable soup. And no mistake - get a fresh and tasty
. By the way, another secret ingredient of my "Secret of ingredient soup" - is asparagus
. Ltd! This is a separate, very tasty and useful indecent song icon smile Syroedchesky vegetable soup "diet" They say that in ancient Egypt, asparagus was considered a sacred plant.
I can understand the Egyptians - the composition of the asparagus is unique. A cleansing, toning, anti-cancer, anti-aging and restorative properties simply defy description.
But there's something I got carried away ... It is time to return to the dietary vegetable soup.
-kapusta savoy - 250 g
-bolgarsky pepper - 1/2 piece
. -sparzha - 50 g
-pomidorki "Cherry" - 6 pcs
. -avokado - 1/2 piece
. citric 1/2 pcs.
-chesnok - 3 cloves
-Green dill, onion and parsley - a small bunch
-moloty cumin (cumin) - 1/2 tsp
-hmeli-suneli - 1 tsp
-paprika ground sweet - 1 tablespoon
-kurkuma - 1 tsp
salt to taste-Navy
-kunzhut - 1 tsp
Prepare the ingredients. Because of the number of products obtained 1500 ml. vegetable soup. Reduce the amount of the ingredients, if necessary.
Vegetables wash and dry cloth. Cabbage cut into small cubes. Put in a blender. Add peeled garlic, salt and a glass of cold, clean water. Turn the blender first in "pulse" mode, and then to 2 speed.
Bulgarian pepper cleaned of seeds. Cut into cubes. Tomatoes "cherry" to cut into halves. Avocado peel and cut into chunks. Asparagus is also cut, but leave a few shoots for decoration. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon. Dill and parsley chopped.
Place all ingredients in a blender with cabbage. Add cumin, hops-suneli and paprika. Pour 1 cup more clean cold water. Try to salt and dosolit, if needed. Promolot in a blender until smooth. If the soup is too thick for your taste - add water, add spices and turn the blender
. Green onions finely chopped.
Pour syroedchesky vegetable soup "diet" on the plates. Garnish with asparagus tips, sesame, ground paprika and chives.