"Who knew life, he is no longer in a hurry ..."
Who knew life, he is no longer in a hurry,
Savor every moment and watches,
As a child sleeps, the old man prays,
As rain falls and how snowflakes melt.
In ordinary sees beauty,
The confusing - the simplest solution,
He knows how to fulfill the dream,
He loves life and believes Sunday,
He realized that happiness is not in money,
And their number will not save from grief,
But who lives with his bird in the hand,
His Firebird will not find.
Who knew life, he understood the essence of things,
What a perfect life but death,
What to know, not surprised, scarier,
What is something that is not know and do not know how.
Pavel Ivanov
Preview: Jake Olson
via 500px.com/jakeolsonstudios