Success depends on the ability to control their emotions and remain calm in stressful situations. Study of more than a million people showed that 90% of those who have achieved notable success in the profession, are able to control their emotions in times of stress and to keep the situation under control.
Stress can cause real harm to physical and mental health of a person. But at the same time stress - a necessary human emotion. Under its influence in moments of emotional intensity of our activity reaches a peak. At moderate stress has its positive aspects. For example, a short bout of stress stimulates the growth of new brain cells responsible for memory improvement. However, if the stress lasts more than a few minutes, this decreases the ability of the brain. Therefore, stress testing is necessary, but it is important to maintain control over them.
10 tips on how to cope with stress:
1. Appreciate what you have.
Spend a little time out to assess what you should be thankful. The study showed that people who worked on a daily basis in order to develop in a sense of gratitude, were in high spirits, good physical well-being, felt a surge of energy. This technique improves the mood, because it reduces the release of the stress hormone cortisol by 23%.
2. Avoid questions "What if?»
All doubt, starting with the question "What if?", Only heat stress and anxiety. The more you worry about how things will develop, the less time will be out to find a way to pull myself together. Able to possess a people know that the question "What if?" Will lead them only to where they do not have to go.
3. Stay positive mood.
Positive thoughts - a great way to beat stress, they switch your brain to the other, more pleasant things. You only need a little help your wandering mind. Any positive thoughts will redirect your attention in the right direction. When things are going well and you have a good mood, do it quite easily. But if everything around is not going well, and you are filled with dark thoughts, then it will be more difficult.
Think of your day and choose one good event that happened to you. It can be any small thing. If today you nothing good happened, we can recall the previous day or the last week. Maybe your life is soon to happen for some exciting weekend? For example, the long-awaited vacation. Think about it. The main thing is to turn its attention to the good at the time, when your thoughts are gloomy.
4. Turns off.
If you have to be connected to work 24 hours a day, you are at risk. In your life too many factors that can cause stress. Incredibly difficult to relax when at any time on your phone can come a message that will make you think about the work (and often nervous). Therefore, do not force yourself to go online or turn off your phone, and your body and mind can relax.
You can not disconnect from work in the evenings on weekdays? Try to make it at least on weekends. Set a period during the day when you will be available to their colleagues. Soon you will be amazed at what effect these breaks you. And to that, how much less you will become nervous when your schedule will be time for mental reboot. If you are concerned about possible criticism at work, try to do this at a time when you are unlikely to someone will be looking for, such as Sunday morning. When you get used to this, and colleagues to accept the fact that you do not spend time on communication, start to gradually increase during such periods.
5. Less caffeine.
Caffeine promotes the release of adrenaline. Adrenaline unleashes the mechanism of "fight or flight", which is in a threatening situation makes a person either stand and fight or flee. This natural reaction weakens rational thinking. Of course, it helps if you attack the bear, but it can also hurt - for example, if you need to respond to a sharp letter. Caffeine causes the brain and body to overly excited state, the behavior begins to be determined by emotions. Stress caused by caffeine is held for a long time.
6. Sleep.
Perhaps the easiest way to beat stress. When a person sleeps, his brain literally recharges: mixes daily memories, keeps or discards them. As a result, you wake up refreshed and clear-headed. If you sleep little or wrong, your self-control, attention and memory weakened. Lack of sleep itself increases the stress hormone levels, even in the absence of external causes. Because of the hard work you may feel that you have no time to sleep, but a normal night's sleep could be the only factor that will help you keep control of the course of events.
7. Do not think bad about yourself.
To control stress is very important to be able to suppress in the bud bad thoughts about myself. And, the longer you scroll through them in the head, the more power they get. Remember: this is just a thought, not facts. Once you understand that they may possess you, the inner voice at this point to say: "You have to stop and write it all down." It is necessary to literally stop whatever you are doing at this moment, and write down what is swarming in your head. Once you have managed to slow down the negative thoughts, you can more rationally and clearly assess their credibility.
Most likely, your statements in which you use the word "never", "the worst", "never again", and so on. E., Does not correspond to reality. If the thoughts on paper still seem objective facts, their records show the person that you trust and see if it agrees with you. After that, the truth must come out. The moment when you realize that the mind - it is not the facts, you will be able to break out of the vicious circle of dark and find a way out of a stressful state
. 8. Change the look of things.
If you can not control events, you can control your reaction to them. After all, the distorted perception of the facts fueled fear and anxiety. So before you start to suffer, for a moment, try to look at the situation from the other side. For example, make a list of specific things that you can not be obtained, or that cause you anxiety. Especially when it comes to mental formulations in the style of "everything goes wrong" or "nothing happens." When you start writing, you will realize that the scale of problems is much less than it seemed.
9. Breathe.
The easiest way to specify the stress on the door - to breathe properly. It will have to teach your brain to concentrate only on the task at hand without being distracted for anything else, especially disturbing thoughts. As soon as you notice signs of stress at home, spend a few minutes trying to focus on your breathing. Close the door, remove anything that distracts you, just sit on a chair and breathe. Your task - to hold it all the time, watching the breath, and not be distracted by the party thought. Think about how you feel when you breathe in and out. At first glance, it looks quite simple, but in fact it is difficult to survive more than one or two minutes. Your brain will certainly try to distract you, and, most likely, he will succeed. Nothing wrong: try again to focus on your breathing. If not, count your breaths - for example, up to twenty. Then start with the unit again. If the knock from the account, you can always start over.
This exercise may seem too easy or a little silly, but you'd be surprised to peace, which will feel at the end. And by how easily you will banish disturbing thoughts that seemed to have settled in the brain forever.
10. Do not be shy to ask for help.
The desire to solve all the most tempting, but often ineffective. To remain calm and personal effectiveness, we must be able to recognize our weakness and to not hesitate to ask for help when you need it. To do this, you should have a circle of support - friends, a team at work, home, that will support you in difficult times when you will not be able to cope independently. Understand for themselves, who are these people in your life. A simple discussion with them your concerns will have to leave the fears, ease stress, and will look at what is happening from the side. In addition, people from your circle of support will be able to see the output that you do not notice - they are not emotionally connected with this situation. Asking for help not only reduce stress, but also strengthen your personal relationship with these people.