"Divinity" or hide and seek with yourself.

Who on earth was manifested as "gods" and "goddesses", that simply amazed. Even some ten years ago, all the seekers were ordinary people who seek knowledge, who are trying through practices somehow transform your consciousness. Now it is enough to read the weekly readings channelers who convince you in your lordship and divinity. I now wonder, and real knowledge can be strewed in abundance, and even more, according to the schedule?
Maybe after all this another ploy of certain forces to pull the man once sweet sleep of ignorance?
Even when you really had a chance to visit the highest point of the assembly, "I", to experience the divine experience, and then again to return to the normal state of consciousness, it still can not claim that you are god and not an ordinary man. Spiritual experiences do not give bonuses and guarantees, on the contrary - impose more requirements for the seeker of truth
It is more difficult to recognize yourself as you are honestly looking in the mirror sobriety. To act as a divine being, for example, not angry, not jealous, not lazy, not condemn, do not irritate, and much more of this, that does not fit in the divine tenets. And if all these negative qualities in you is present, then what kind of divine consciousness can there be.
So you - an ordinary man of society, but your sense of self-importance talks about your spirituality. The human ego is very cunning and insidious creature. It instantly adapts to any situation. I went to fashion gods, here you are ... you are gods. Ego quickly creates an artificial façade as 'divine' smile, grabbing the attention of a person fiery, spiritual speeches. Man falls into the illusion of spiritual growth, and at the first clash of his "divine" nature of the body in reality it is not manifested deity, a primitive machine reaction.
Even more than that ... some going on such an explosion feelings of self-importance when encroach on their "divinity" that you begin to understand, maybe they are not embodied by the gods, but the real demons ... A person who considers himself a god, there is no need to be picked in his dirty linen, vystiryvat it and dried. Therefore, divorced many esoteric, that leads a double life, without knowing it. For the most part already taken place "gods" as well as the rest of humanity live according to the program - a matrix, and at meetings and discussions with seeking people who build the "divine" facade, deftly shifting attention to the higher mind, as if they have what they say .
And it seems to me, most do not realize that their entire spiritual path is in the virtual reality of esoteric mind. Man, being under the spell of sublime mind, floating in esoteric tales, no longer feels the body of reality. It's like some people from the "culture" can live in the house, not noticing the shabby walls and door jambs greasy. They are, you see, above it all. So the "gods" of esotericism does not want to see their low-frequency emotional reactions hiding behind the precepts of spiritual values. And the more people shout about love for one's neighbor, the more it is clear the gap between words and real feelings and actions.
Spiritual growth does not start when you constantly pestuesh a god. I wonder how you can grow in yourself something that you have no idea? Another thing, when you see that you're not perfect, staying in a swamp of human passions, and all the forces trying to remove a low-frequency energy, preventing breathe freely. Therefore, all of our visualization and affirmations to light and love, more like a foreign cosmetics rather than a profound transformation. How not to hide behind a thick layer of cream aging face and insensitivity can not hide behind the beautiful words of love and divinity.
Of course, we have harmony and love and the same divinity. But these qualities are in the thrall of a sense of self-importance - Scouting matrix. Our importance does not give us to understand that, in principle, we are primitive in their daily actions and thoughts, and in the manifestation of his emotions. Women alone program reaction from other men. When you realize that this is the first step towards the exit from the primitive existence as biological machines to the divine beings. Some seekers think that once they had studied so many esoteric books and hang out in various forums, even really experienced a shift in consciousness, free from mechanistic existence. But if they had looked into the mirror of sobriety, it may be seen that the fall in the trap of the mind even more.
Lulled to sleep by its radiance of spirituality is no longer aware that they Nothing has changed, except absorbed pieces of information. Even more - people can because of a false perception of itself as a spiritual being is easy to fall into irritability and impatience, when he shows his imperfection
We think that we have learned a lot and have already felt a whisper of the Spirit, but the banal everyday debacles quickly annoying inconsistencies of our illusion of divinity and reality of the environment. Why is this happening? I think just because of that, when our attention is in the "divine" worlds heads, our body gets kicks out of life. Reality reminds us of the forgotten nature of us. Annoyance arises precisely because of the inconsistencies of the actual expected.
So we see ourselves is not such as it is, and made-up, painted "correct" colors. And when reality destroys our false personality, we experience pain and irritation, because we have to see themselves as real.
One day, being in a state of divinity, I instantly felt irritated by the fact that my little son tugged at my sleeve to show a broken toy.
- How?! I'm so worried ... but here it is with banal things! ... Just a couple of seconds, a child taught me temperance.
Years later, I realized that when you accept yourself as you are, there is nothing to defend himself in the external reality. If something in defending itself, then we are afraid of losing our false view of themselves, thinking that the reality and we - are two different substances. Most likely we are afraid of themselves, hiding behind spiritual walls.
When we sincerely and natural in appearance, there is no clear boundary between inner and outer reality. We have nothing to defend and justify itself, because the world - that's us, and we - it is the world. This understanding gives true freedom from myself - contrived false. So we will not have to deal with his conscience.
Once I zealously defended by proving their case, especially in the home. In all sorts of accusations he showered counter arguments ... - So what? Besides quarrels and alienation in what have not resulted. Then, when he finally realized that all the things I reproach my family, most likely, so it is; because I'm not a god to be perfect. After this simple awareness went to some trick. At that time, it was my strategy is more like a game. I quickly began to settle when I criticized or accused of something. - Yes, I am an imperfect ... Yes, all the evils of the world in me! And, as a rule, my interlocutor did not work cause me irritation.
After all, I do not defend or attack, so all conflicts arose quickly extinguished. Then came a time when a sense of self-importance is no longer based on a false perception of itself. And, lo and behold! Conflicts with loved ones were less likely to show up in my life. When we are in front of both the X-rays, then we have nothing to defend, and therefore we do not waste energy simply to maintain their illusions about themselves. So, we have more strength for real growth.
Now, after many years of experience to me came to realize that learning the most important thing - to accept yourself as you are and not hide behind a convenient façade for the ego spirituality
Smart people say, love yourself, and then fall in love with the world, or the world will love you. I think, to love yourself - this is again the field of "divine" tales, which in our reality can be shown for just a moment. And then what? It's one step from love to hatred? Rather, we should at least learn to accept yourself with all the skeletons in the closet, then other people's wardrobes will not irritate us. After all, when you see yourself through, you see, respectively, the other because we are all the same in their reactions in society. And when you understand the mechanics of all this, you do not want to blame something. First of all, himself. When the wall falls out of a sense of self-importance, it leaves the separation between you and the world. And then you realize all the cells that surrounds the reality and you -. It is one
See yourself without walls "divinity" - a point of support to the real breakthrough in his maturation. If a person is not aware of his "prison", taking her by the "paradise", it means that he is satisfied with his lot, and he will not have the desire to change something in their lives. You can sit at the four stone walls and imagine that you live in a palace of jade ... And you can see his prison, and something really take to escape, for example, undermine the grill, or make a tunnel. Companions of Odysseus thought that they are in paradise on the island of Calypso, while in reality they have long been turned into pigs.
When you stand at the bottom point of sobriety to yourself and you see all the layers of false images, you begin to remove them with a layer by layer, and those who are hiding under the guise of divinity, until you feel that has become so easy that it is enough to push off this basic point and you ... free.
Freedom - is not an end in itself. This realization is already obsolete and dead space, both inside and outside of ourselves, and the birth of a new desire - to leave the already outlived experience in search of a new adventure
In our reality, the majority of people live who sing the matrix of human passions through his philosophy and the same esoteric. Some people even after death can not understand the changes and trying to get back into the already decomposing physical body. For them it is the usual access to the games and things to which they are so attached.
Divinity in us does not arise from the fact that we consider ourselves as such, it manifests itself when we take our lower earthly nature.
In a neophyte there are two ways (of course, figuratively):
The first - to isolate itself from the low-frequency energy and cultivate only the divine energy. It means to go into hermits, or shut down "walls" of the cult of the god of light, radiant beauty and perfection, both on the New Age pictures, where sublime lords and teachers are represented. These images serve as a kind of tuning to a positive vibration. And so are the icons for the new faith, which directs a person's attention after the images of the gods, breaking away from the body of reality.
It's like a split personality. Man can survive the ecstasy of the senses from contact with the deity and then break out in a moment of indignation against those who interfere with his spiritual experience. Man is torn between his deity and his lower needs. And it's throwing in the end, ends up falling into the lower nature as consciousness is inert in nature, and it is always easier to fall than to rise to the heights of divinity. This period is similar to a triangle or a pyramid, when the top of the pyramid is tempting with its glow and the man creeps up, trying to reach the top faster to shine luminous deity.
This ascent to the heights of divinity lasts as long as the person does not understand that a vertex of the triangle there is only one way - a drop down
The second way is more like a circle, or sphere. Man second path reminiscent of zen monk, going God knows where and from nowhere. His pace is easy, because it is not burdened by the past, and does not break in the future. He also is not afraid to fall, because he has received himself, such as it is: with disheveled hair in the wind, with the burned face to the sun and the time worn clothing. It is no longer attracts divinity. He had killed her confidence, as his once beloved Buddha. Therefore, it is now no up or down, everything was united. Pilgrim on the way that the dust under his feet ...
A man at this stage of life draws strength from the middle of their circle, so it is not worried about life. It is nil ... emptiness, and emptiness can not worry, it can only empathize with everything.
We can say that these are two extreme points of the route. First, people climb the mountain of knowledge, then, in the end, he realizes that knowledge - things are fickle and capricious. Then, after the fall of the base of the pyramid of knowledge, a man sits on a raft and enlightenment without a rudder mind swimming in the ocean of the Spirit to God knows where, the trust element of the Spirit.
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