What happens if you stop using social networks

Social networking can be a good tool to keep in touch with old friends and to find new ones. Unfortunately, not all use it for these purposes. For many check social networking has become almost work. They scroll through the news feed, put huskies, write messages and panic are afraid to miss anything either. They play all the games and participate in all the polls. Perhaps it is about you or someone who you know? And if so, then it's time to change something. Here are 10 things that will happen to you when you stop to check the tape of social networks.
1. Your brain will be less dead.
You could certainly write that he would be alive, but far from it. Once you are hooked on social networks, the brain dies and for its resuscitation is required much more than the rejection of dependence. When you bury yourself in the screen, constantly checking the tape VKontakte and / or Facebook, you do not pay attention to the world around you. Your pets may want to eat, or they need to go out, but you do it just after checked all social networks. When you walk, visiting interesting places, but always something to do on your phone, you actually stay there, where for the first time looked at the screen. If so, you probably still at home. When you "throw" a social network, you raise your head and start looking at what is happening around you. For your hungry pets or your friends who want to communicate with you in the real world, it will be a real gift.
2. You will no longer keep pace.
The most important enemy of our productivity began to social media. After all, nothing did not happen, check if the tape vKontakte, Facebook or other sots.setey. A few minutes turned into quarter of an hour before you finally realize that they have lost 30 minutes of your life. Thanks to smartphones and improved mobile data rates, you can check the social network anywhere, including work. When you stop to check the tape, you need anything else, just to avoid boredom, and it usually means the actual exercise of its work, which is not so pleasant, as viewing images and reading the jokes. If you really get rid of this habit, your productivity will increase.
3. You will be able to focus on other things.
Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte time-consuming. You can waste an insane amount of time just looking at the update. Refusal of permanent control over updating the tape means that you will have a huge amount of free time. This is - the time that can be spent on really useful stuff. You can spend more time with your partner and make your relationship stronger. You can spend more time with friends and forget about all the problems. You can go to the gym and lose a few kilos, back in shape and get a charge of vivacity, you will never get on the social networks. The possibilities are endless, because you'll be spending time doing what you really want to do.
4. You can find out who your real friends are.
Good friends in the Internet, it is very easy. Laykat positions of people and comment on their photos simply. Someone who says all of your photos and laykaet all your posts, spends 45 seconds by doing this, but are you sure that these are the people who are interested in you. As soon as you leave the social network, many of them disappear from your dizni. People who want to see you in real life, are the very people who need you. If you finally get out of social networking, you will immediately find such people.
5. You will learn that the word "like" has no meaning.
Huskies are no longer the actual expression of sympathy, it is already a fact. This is - an obligatory step to show that you have seen the post and acknowledge his existence. Some people just need to see them. When you come out of Vkontakte, you will realize how useless the button "I like", and how few people actually care about things that they are "laykayut".
6. You will feel more experienced.
The feature of social networks is that they never give you the opportunity to finish anything. They create a feeling of something great, a feeling of "something unfinished" and for the whole day, these emotions can simply drain you. How to solve a problem? Do something useful outside of the social network. You can finish reading the book. You can domyt dishes. In principle, any task is achievable in the real world, if you just do it. People love to feel satisfied, do not deprive yourself of that feeling. Exit VKontakte and finish something.
7. You will get rid of annoying fans.
Almost everyone who uses Facebook and Vkontakte, there are people who keep track of their lives on the network activity. This is especially the case if you - a woman. They see your pictures, your updates, and do all this without your permission. The guys will treat your photos to keep silent ... ... Even if they do not see you, they see with whom you are communicating. Thanks Chekina they now know where you are. If you "throw» Facebook (where it is the most popular), you will be immune to such people.
8. Your opinion of yourself will change significantly for the better.
Studies have proven that social networking makes you think badly about themselves. There are several reasons. When you change the status of, and no one laykaet, you feel that you all think you are stupid. When you publish photos, and persons of the opposite sex does not comment on how well you look, you feel ugly. You constantly run into people who are on your wall you happier, more successful you and who have a stronger relationship than you. How could it not make you feel very depressed or defective? Do you want to rid yourself of this? There is an easy way to do it - get out of the network once and for all.
9. You will be looking at what you have and you will be this enough.
Reporter Belinda Goldsmith, Reuters published a part of the study, which was conducted in Germany, about how people feel on Facebook. The study suggests that people "through" social networks have become more jealous, insecure and jealous. Someone new phone, a car, a house or something else, it all evokes emotions. Some are jealous when they see that the people around are in a happy relationship, whether it be friends, lovers or a married couple. Social network - a great place to brag about what you have, and it means that it is - the perfect place to read about things that other people have, and that is not you.
10. You will realize that most of what you have done in the social network, it aims to increase someone's income.
I have no doubt that social media there are people who really love you. However, I also have no doubt that there are several times more people who do not care about you, rather they simply do not care. For Mark Zuckerberg You - a figure in its giant database, which will be expanded and maintained. Your task - to consider advertisements, to spend money on the game and make the rich even richer. What is happening to you, in fact, anyone on the Internet do not care, but even more so in a social network. Imagine a social network that you give so much of their time - this is your favorite person. You spend time and money, but he does not care. Do you want to be with him now? Then you are sick.
Over the past 10 years, we have all forgotten the reason that all of these social networks have been created. We turned the social network into a kind of work and even agree to spend their money, without receiving anything in return. Think for a leisure ... (int)