The main problem of social networks.
According to the agency Gallup, every third divorce last year featured social network. This figure is increasing for the eighth consecutive year - since the start of the legendary life Facebook. The more popular it becomes the creation of Mark Zuckerberg, the more Americans filed for divorce.
The current situation frightens not only the creators of social networks, but many of the fighters for a happy family life.
As a result of this year the number of divorces due to the fault of Facebook and other popular Internet sites can reach 45% - 50%, and by 2020, social networks can be a major cause of divorce, not only in America but also in Europe.
There are five main reasons, after which the family life is flying down the slope. First, many men and women do not advertise that are married. They put in place the status single married, do not put photos betrothed person is added to the unknown friend's wife (her husband) and friends come into the group of acquaintances.
Any of these facts, infuriating the second elect, which immediately begins to think about ... and worthlessness. Suspicions naturally, gradually turn into jealousy.
Thus, a resident of South Dakota E Jones divorced his wife just because of the fact that it has added a few friends friends gym hall, and not put on public display any joint with Jones photos.
Last pounced on his wife shouting: "You're ashamed of me! I hate you! »
The couple lived together 7 years and had four young children who have experienced great difficulty with the trial and separation from parents. In fact, a social network has broken the once happy lives of six people.
The second reason - flirting. Write a comment or received a compliment instantly suspicious. Paul Hemmers resident of Alaska, for example, filed for divorce when her husband read the comments to his former classmate. Especially women angered by the fact that her husband was sending messages from your computer, and with the work he is constantly delayed, referring to employment.
The third reason - personal correspondence. It is not reflected in the pages of users, however, husbands and wives know about it, when one forgets to "log out" or leave the cell phone unattended.
For example, in Florida last year, collapsed more than a hundred marriages. And in all cases, the divorce papers were served within a week after the wedding. The initiators are usually wives. They were horrified when they read the correspondence that proved no more than a ...
Some husbands have tried to justify that with other women, they corresponded to explore current wife. However, this did not save.
Wives felt humiliated and offended. Many frightened pious behavior and their lives.
Fourth, many husbands and wives find out about misconduct pious thanks to anonymous reports. In California, for example, is under investigation by a woman who, after meetings with clients to find their social networks and start writing their relatives.
The prosecutor's office did not know what to do with the schemer. On the one hand, she wrote the truth, and even in some degree opened my eyes deceived people.
On the other hand, contributed to the destruction of a big happy family.
Such whistleblowers in social networks - a great many. Sometimes they pull down families because of envy and elementary understanding of worthlessness. Even if they made public the information is not true, in family relationships there is tension.
The fifth reason - the most weighty and very rarely mentioned in the press. The fact is that social networks are interested in the maximum number of clicks, so the information about the person (photos, groups, friends, hobbies, comments, and so on. D.) Should be as accessible as possible.
As a consequence, every year the social networking soften access rules, which, in my opinion, do not in any case impossible.
In Texas, for example, recently I had a case where a man was registered in the social network, and its pages are automatically affected all the pilgrims, whose email addresses were in his e-mail (sent and received). So he saw his own wife, who "sat" on the network are not under his own name and surname, but with his photograph. The fake account she used for correspondence with the men, but he came up with the new features on the resource.
The couple have filed for divorce, and convicted of treason woman plans to judge an online resource, which, in her opinion, interfere with privacy.
Social networks in America, it is worth noting spend billions of dollars in litigation. The large team of professional lawyers are trying to resolve all complaints prior to trial and journalistic intervention.
Publicity such cases usually do not get.
"Social networks - a very dangerous product, - said Bill Ensdey, leader of the Movement for the closure of such sites. - In fact, the personal lives of people put on public display. And if 15 years ago the people through social networks could send each other text messages only, it is now possible to trace even their whereabouts. "
Ensdey advises unmarried people never register on social networks.
"Happy family life - this is a private family life" - he repeats endlessly.
Many experts in the field of divorce taken argue that if social networking was not, the divorce would not become less.
Each new hobby of most Americans was followed by divorce.
"At different times the sources of divorces in the United States became landlines, dating services in newspapers, mobile phones, cameras in mobile phones, videkoamery, surveillance cameras and many other things - says the researcher Travis Lloyd. - Any invention that is allowed to communicate at a distance, or to store information has been criticized for the destruction of marriage ».
Internet and social networks, as a result, a combined all of the invention, creating a huge number of uncontrolled ...., .... virtual, so-called "word ..." and many other things that strengthen the family relationship is not conducive.
The conclusion from the above is as follows: even when alone with itself (that is, to the highest sealed from the outside world page in social networks) a person must conduct, as if him closely watched by others.
First of all - relatives (husband, wife, children). It shows the terrible statistics, even the slightest folly can completely break the lives of your entire family.

The current situation frightens not only the creators of social networks, but many of the fighters for a happy family life.
As a result of this year the number of divorces due to the fault of Facebook and other popular Internet sites can reach 45% - 50%, and by 2020, social networks can be a major cause of divorce, not only in America but also in Europe.
There are five main reasons, after which the family life is flying down the slope. First, many men and women do not advertise that are married. They put in place the status single married, do not put photos betrothed person is added to the unknown friend's wife (her husband) and friends come into the group of acquaintances.
Any of these facts, infuriating the second elect, which immediately begins to think about ... and worthlessness. Suspicions naturally, gradually turn into jealousy.
Thus, a resident of South Dakota E Jones divorced his wife just because of the fact that it has added a few friends friends gym hall, and not put on public display any joint with Jones photos.
Last pounced on his wife shouting: "You're ashamed of me! I hate you! »
The couple lived together 7 years and had four young children who have experienced great difficulty with the trial and separation from parents. In fact, a social network has broken the once happy lives of six people.
The second reason - flirting. Write a comment or received a compliment instantly suspicious. Paul Hemmers resident of Alaska, for example, filed for divorce when her husband read the comments to his former classmate. Especially women angered by the fact that her husband was sending messages from your computer, and with the work he is constantly delayed, referring to employment.
The third reason - personal correspondence. It is not reflected in the pages of users, however, husbands and wives know about it, when one forgets to "log out" or leave the cell phone unattended.
For example, in Florida last year, collapsed more than a hundred marriages. And in all cases, the divorce papers were served within a week after the wedding. The initiators are usually wives. They were horrified when they read the correspondence that proved no more than a ...
Some husbands have tried to justify that with other women, they corresponded to explore current wife. However, this did not save.
Wives felt humiliated and offended. Many frightened pious behavior and their lives.
Fourth, many husbands and wives find out about misconduct pious thanks to anonymous reports. In California, for example, is under investigation by a woman who, after meetings with clients to find their social networks and start writing their relatives.
The prosecutor's office did not know what to do with the schemer. On the one hand, she wrote the truth, and even in some degree opened my eyes deceived people.
On the other hand, contributed to the destruction of a big happy family.
Such whistleblowers in social networks - a great many. Sometimes they pull down families because of envy and elementary understanding of worthlessness. Even if they made public the information is not true, in family relationships there is tension.
The fifth reason - the most weighty and very rarely mentioned in the press. The fact is that social networks are interested in the maximum number of clicks, so the information about the person (photos, groups, friends, hobbies, comments, and so on. D.) Should be as accessible as possible.
As a consequence, every year the social networking soften access rules, which, in my opinion, do not in any case impossible.
In Texas, for example, recently I had a case where a man was registered in the social network, and its pages are automatically affected all the pilgrims, whose email addresses were in his e-mail (sent and received). So he saw his own wife, who "sat" on the network are not under his own name and surname, but with his photograph. The fake account she used for correspondence with the men, but he came up with the new features on the resource.
The couple have filed for divorce, and convicted of treason woman plans to judge an online resource, which, in her opinion, interfere with privacy.
Social networks in America, it is worth noting spend billions of dollars in litigation. The large team of professional lawyers are trying to resolve all complaints prior to trial and journalistic intervention.
Publicity such cases usually do not get.
"Social networks - a very dangerous product, - said Bill Ensdey, leader of the Movement for the closure of such sites. - In fact, the personal lives of people put on public display. And if 15 years ago the people through social networks could send each other text messages only, it is now possible to trace even their whereabouts. "
Ensdey advises unmarried people never register on social networks.
"Happy family life - this is a private family life" - he repeats endlessly.
Many experts in the field of divorce taken argue that if social networking was not, the divorce would not become less.
Each new hobby of most Americans was followed by divorce.
"At different times the sources of divorces in the United States became landlines, dating services in newspapers, mobile phones, cameras in mobile phones, videkoamery, surveillance cameras and many other things - says the researcher Travis Lloyd. - Any invention that is allowed to communicate at a distance, or to store information has been criticized for the destruction of marriage ».
Internet and social networks, as a result, a combined all of the invention, creating a huge number of uncontrolled ...., .... virtual, so-called "word ..." and many other things that strengthen the family relationship is not conducive.
The conclusion from the above is as follows: even when alone with itself (that is, to the highest sealed from the outside world page in social networks) a person must conduct, as if him closely watched by others.
First of all - relatives (husband, wife, children). It shows the terrible statistics, even the slightest folly can completely break the lives of your entire family.
Robot bricklayer lays down the house for two days
The hidden danger of social networking. Social networks increase the number of divorces.