"I sat a woman with a cat ..."

sat a woman with a cat
On a warm roof.
The fact talking about these things,
Nobody heard.

- Well, how are you, one tailed
- Yes, as usual,
I go, wander, looking for friends,
Chasing birds.
You'll see, someone will feed a cute
And will warm ...

- And you have? How do you live?
- And I? I'm getting old ...
We were given one life, alas ...
You are nine.
And like all other people,
My heart aches.
That's right, buddy, I'm with you
I sit on the roof,
And dissolves grief,
All hush, hush ...

I do not go to my knees,
Are you warmer.

Cool evening for two,
It's getting dark ...
And it was this conversation
All close relatives,
He sat a woman with a cat
On a warm roof ...

Irina Golovanov

Picture on preview: Victoria Kirda

via kirdiy.com/


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