19 difficult "must" that lead to success

you know what is the most important law, which is based on the universe? It must be -, it is necessary. That is why you need to gather strength and to cope with these difficult is necessary, because this is paved with them the best way to sudbe.Itak, Website recommends:
< You need to make a call, you are afraid to do. Do you have to get up earlier than you want. You have to give more than receive in return. You need to care about others more than they care about you. < Do you have to fight, even when you Expires blood and covered with wounds. You have to take risks when it seems that it is better beware. You need to lead, when still no one follows you. You need to invest in themselves, even if no one else does. You have to look a fool when looking for answers to their questions. You need to hone the details of when is easier to dismiss them. < You need to achieve results when there is an opportunity to find excuses
< This is what defines who you are. What distinguishes life from a life of mediocrity extremely successful man.
Hard cases the easiest way to avoid. Excuses why it is not right for you, are themselves.
As ordinary people achieve extraordinary success? Simple explanation - they take up difficult cases, which have a more intelligent, rich and qualified people do not have the courage or recklessness
< Seize complex actions. You'll be surprised how much you are an amazing person.
via nichosy.ru/2016/02/07/19-trudnyh-nado-kotorye-vedut-vas-k-uspehu/