Where to find the perfect man

Beautiful pictures and quotes about love firmly entrenched in social networks. They collect a bunch of likes, and repost them kopipasta ladies of all ages.
But most importantly, that all of these positions have in common. They talk about the ideal man, the charming prince on a white horse, which every girl nafantazirovala itself, probably as far back as childhood.
Website has decided to find out whether there is a knight of our dreams of girls in fact, what he is and where he finally found?
So, the perfect man - the guy is smart, exquisite fragrant perfume, which is calling without notice, to declare their love. He wakes us up every morning a nice little message, and do not forget to bring each week a huge bouquet of flowers. Our ideal prince never look at anyone else, even if we do not see even one eye, even to make sure that we have something still better. He always anticipates our desires and ready to fulfill every whim. And if he likes, then just do everything possible so that we never uttered a single tear.
However, in real live relationship there are always arguments, tears and tantrums, and insane jealousy. Even in the most beautiful couples.
The problem is that we often want to live the life of a princess from a fairy tale, and it only leads to the fact that we quickly disappointed, oblivious to the fact that fairy tales, then by definition unrealistic. And if desperate to believe in them, it can be brutally deceived.
Nevertheless, we can not say that the world - sucks, all men are terrible, and we are doomed to suffer all his life and be miserable. Quite the contrary. You just have to understand that some of our waiting is not possible, and the standards by which we are to adjust our men are not true.
Yes, the perfect man is certainly there. , but it has nothing to do with what we see in cartoons and romantic melodramas.
Of course, when we met him for the first time, it is always nice, educated, courteous, sensitive, well-groomed, loving and loyal. He always answers the message within a few minutes, and remembers up to every detail of what we said. And all because we, too, he likes and does not want to miss the chance.
And we, too, for a real princess. For some time.
As soon as we become a little more self-love, things gradually changed. We descend from the clouds to become who we really are: ordinary people with advantages and disadvantages.
We sleep with your mouth open, perhaps even snoring. In the morning, we are disheveled hair and halitosis. We come not in the mood and offended over nothing, and he loudly slams doors and leaves the toilet seat raised. We forget to remove the hair on the comb, and he - to wash the dishes.
And all because no one is perfect and very tedious to maintain the illusion of infinite.
And when we finally see Shrek, who is hiding in our prince, we have a choice: to fall in love for real or not. That's when we are disappointed or there forever, or crush and feel the true love which is much deeper than the illusion in which we have lived until now.
Yes, a handsome prince can instantly forget what we just told him, or bring us to tears disputes an absolutely idiotic things.
But what we see as the shortcomings, is actually an integral part of what makes a person "ideal": he loves us with all his heart, even though it does not prevent him to select a blanket at night and laugh at silly comedies, scattering everywhere chips.
And that's why we can say that:
the perfect man - is not clean-shaven mannequin with a constant smile and a gift in their hands; perfect man - is the one who, in spite of the amazing ability to remember year after year, the date of the meeting demonstrates his love every day; the one who washes all the dishes after an argument without reminders just to soften our anger; the one who kisses the morning after waking up and in the evening during the film falls asleep on our chest; the one who reminds wear a hat, because on the street getting colder; is the one who will prepare a cup of coffee and sandwich, when we work on the computer or just too tired; is the one with whom you can talk for hours about strange things and laugh. For each of us the perfect man different. There is no ready-made model. We can say only that it was someone who suits us perfectly, with all its advantages and disadvantages.
And accepting this reality, maybe it's worth a closer look around right now, not to inadvertently pass?
According to the materials: Upsocl
Translation and adaptation of the Website
Preview: Luiza Bione
See also:
The truth about how to see the family life of men and women
True love - a conscious choice
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