25 channels of YouTube, to learn to play musical instruments

taught himself to play now is not as hard on guitar or piano, as it seems. Suffice it to catch fire and the desire to find a suitable for an online resource, which in a great number of web.
< Website I have tried to highlight the most interesting channels on YouTube, which can make the world of music, or improve your skills.
Piano h3>
- HDPiano - are taught to play songs of your favorite artists on piano, is lined with a lot of detailed analysis of the works. Channel suited well for those who are already familiar with the basics of the game on the keyboard
- Hoffman Academy -. Leading online course Josef Hoffman explains literally on the fingers, how to remember the location of notes on the piano keyboard . The channel will serve as an excellent tool for beginners
- Lypur -. For those who want to play the piano and learn music theory. There are piano lessons from a young pianist Andrew Fomenzeka, as well as the basics of music theory, including 49 sessions.
Guitar h3>
- RockOnGoodPeople - learn to play rock, blues, country, jazz, metal, rockabilly, and more. Training takes place on acoustic and electric guitars.
- JustinSandercoe and JustinGuitar Songs - here is laid out more than 750 lessons, in which everyone - from the beginner guitarist to professional - will find much to learn
- Martyz Songs. - real fount parse popular guitar riffs and songs. Marty Schwartz shares his tricks with those who already have an idea of how to play the guitar
- Andy Crowley -. Channel for beginners who have just come into the world of guitar and rock and roll. You understand the basics, techniques and methods of sound production
- Free Guitar Videos -. Lessons from professionals to beginners. They will show playing techniques on acoustic and electric guitars. Learn to play the blues, jazz, country, metal
- Texas Blues Alley -. Anthony Stauffer will learn to play the electric blues divine. There are detailed video debriefings guitar riffs, so the channel is suitable for beginners
- GuitarJamz -. Leading channel Marty Schwartz shows the basic playing techniques on acoustic and electric guitar
- YGSGuitarLessons -. Are tons of lessons from guitar teacher who has taught hundreds of students. Learn how to play everything from classical to rock.
- Guitar-Online - Russian-language channel, learning to play the guitar. Here are laid out very clear and detailed analysis of popular songs, exercises and techniques.
- GitaristTV - channel, designed to rapidly learning to play the guitar. There are a lot of useful video is perfect for beginners.
- LickNRiff - Free Guitar Education - an interesting guitar channel, which gives a lot of practical and theoretical advice, there are critiques of songs
- Pima Live -. Russian-language channel dedicated for guitar players and guitar lovers. Every Friday they have out a new lesson. Beginning guitar players and even pros will find a lot of interesting
- Alan Robinson -. Channel with their own interpretations of well-known pieces of music.
- TV Cifras - Portuguese channel will teach the basics of the game on an acoustic, electric and bass guitar. In the settings for the video, you can choose subtitle and translate into Russian (or English)
- Cifra Club -. Another noteworthy Portuguese channel, in which clear and detailed game lessons on acoustic, bass, drums. There is a section to music theory.
Violin h3>
- ProfessorV - video lessons from a teacher playing the violin. His step by step tips that can convince anyone that master violin is never too late.
- The String Club - teach the skills of playing the violin, viola, cello, double bass. An ideal resource for beginners
- The Online Piano and Violin Tutor -. Channel with violin lessons and piano. The authors present the material is very accessible and the most clearly.
Impact h3>
- Drumeo - here assembled the largest collection of games lessons on drums. The channel will be equally interesting for beginners and advanced
- DrumsTheWord -. More than 100 video lessons drumming and many dissections most popular compositions.
Vocal and Music Theory h3>
- EricArceneaux - speaking singer shares the basics of singing, staging, heating and improve the voice.
- UrokiMusic - for anyone who wants to learn to sing or play a musical instrument. There are lessons ear training, vocal. Teach the basics of playing the guitar, accordion, flute, saxophone and drums.
Photos on the preview: pinterest
20 education channels on YouTube
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via www.adme.ru/zhizn-nauka/15-kanalov-na-youtube-dlya-izucheniya-anglijskogo-867210/
- Pima Live -. Russian-language channel dedicated for guitar players and guitar lovers. Every Friday they have out a new lesson. Beginning guitar players and even pros will find a lot of interesting