One of the reasons BAN relaxation.

Tension, stress, tension ... Vanity, stress, inability to relax, insomnia, conflicts, setbacks. The body and mind need to recover from the loss of vitality and energy, and relieve tension does not work - there are prohibitions in the subconscious-installation. What to do? First you need to understand the reasons. After all, what is the diagnosis - and therapy is.
One of these reasons - repressed emotions.
If a person hides (including from himself) everything feels, experiences, sees, how he reacts to the world around us with his experiences, lessons and tests, his mind is "under stress." This means that the body at rest will not be able to fully relax: the thoughts, ideas, experiences, all crumpled, everything, nothing is impossible to make out.
Sometimes it emotionally cleansed through dreams (if you manage to get to sleep, and that these dreams - mainly tense, nightmares or unpleasant episodes in which we have to live repressed negative emotions), sometimes through the "explosions" (and say "psihanul from scratch place "), sometimes through illness ...
So, if our reason lies in the fact that we have a ban on emotions - it is important to find a method of gaining because of his feeling of "I", with the states. It is important to ask yourself the question for the day: what I feel? What I worry about it? Why am I feeling this? For example, worry, anxiety, something else. When awareness of the emotional background of decline or disappear altogether.
By the way, intrusive thoughts - a hint that something we do not let go, not accepted as their own feelings and experiences have not given them their due time and attention, do not cleanse your emotional space, and now it reminds us of at least some psychological " general cleaning ».
So, relaxes the body and mind (according to this reason) the adoption of the emotions, observation, awareness, questions himself, conclusions, letting thoughts. When conducted a small analysis and summed up - let "background" emotions and obsessions can be fairly easily and with gratitude.
Did you know that the second sound can change your mood for the whole day?
A disease called "I'm busy."