Eight products, eliminating inflammation in the body

inflammatory processes in the body, may be associated with a number of reasons, but they will certainly affect the quality of life. Temperature, pain and swelling - the main manifestations of virtually any inflammation - suggest that your own immune system has a fierce resistance infection. But all is not so simple. When severe symptoms should definitely see a specialist, but if it is a more simple cases, such as the common cold, bruise or sprain, you can help the body to quickly deal with inflammation due to a power adjustment.
Website is about simple, affordable, and most importantly, natural products, which can in some cases replace both medical treatment and drugs to supplement.
1. Celery h2> In celery contains a substance apigenin, which has a strong anti-inflammatory action. It helps to remove vascular spasms in the areas of inflammation and remove swelling and redness. To see noticeable results, you need to eat about 50 grams of celery a day.
2. Pineapple h2> Pineapple is rich in vitamin C and the enzyme bromelain, which has an impact on the activity of white blood cells involved in fighting infection. This substance also has an analgesic effect and is often taken in the form of dietary supplements athletes are exposed to heavy physical exertion, in which it is practically impossible to avoid inflammation.
3. Ginger h2> The main weapon of ginger against inflammation in the body is gingerol - a substance through which ginger and spicy and has a bitter taste. It dilates blood vessels and improves blood circulation, including in the area of inflammation, thereby significantly reducing it.
4. Fish Oil h2> Due to the high content of omega-3 fatty acids, fish oil reduces the body's release of a number of inflammatory substances, that is, in fact, has an effect, like all NSAIDs. It is especially recommended for people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. If desired, you can replace fish oil fatty fish, such as salmon.
5. Turmeric h2> Curcumin, the yellow pigment of turmeric, has a unique anti-inflammatory effects on the eye. According to studies, regular use this seasoning and curry, turmeric which is a major component, can reduce inflammation of the iris of the eye and protect the retina by exposure to sunlight.
6. Berries h2> The doctors strongly advised to include fresh or frozen berries in your daily diet to those who suffer from chronic inflammation. Raspberries, strawberries, blackberries and other berries are not only diversify your diet, but also thanks to their Member proanthocyanidins and ellagic acid, will have a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action.
7. Carrots h2> Carrots, like some other orange vegetables, rich in vitamin A and beta-carotene. These components help to reduce inflammation of the joints. But note that in order to achieve the best effect of carrots should be subjected to a heat treatment.
8. Almond h2> Several fatty acids contained in almonds, significantly reduces inflammation and reduces pain symptom. That is the conclusion drawn by researchers after a series of clinical trials. Second place in the list of the most valuable macadamia nut takes, and it is followed by walnuts.
via kitchenmag.ru/posts/6282-vosem-produktov-ustranyayuschih-vospaleniya-v-organizme?utm_source=RSS
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