Cooking together with Sophia Andreevna Tolstaya

Ready to work with Sophia Andreevna colon or gastronomic culture RUSSIAN MANOR (with recipes!)
It seems to us, the family of the great classics in their daily everyday life of a typical completely followed the best traditions of Russian family, assumes clearly organized and orderly life and high culture feast that unites the whole family. And, of course, we are particularly interested in the culinary secrets of Sofia Andreevna, the fame of which are still alive in the memoirs of its numerous visitors.
According to the researchers creativity Tolstoy Inna Sadouskaya:
-Ubezhdeniya About "how to be in the house of a count," S.A.Tolstaya was harder than diamond, and the end of life to follow them, no matter what.
Let unfold abyss of heaven, but every day should "order the dinner" chef, that is, to make the menu for the family and guests. Spring - oven muffins "larks" Easter - Holy Easter cakes and painted eggs in the summer - jam with foams, early fall - marinated mushrooms, to which Tolstoy was a great hunter.
At Christmas, the stove should have doused with rum plum pudding, and on family holidays and birthdays - the famous "ankovsky" pie. Pancake house Tolstoy served pancakes, cabbage and fried potatoes on vegetable oil, followed by tea and coffee with almond milk. The family are all very fond of apples, and Countess baked apple pies so that the rumor about them went across the province of Tula.
Day of the estate started early and breakfast Leo eat soft-boiled eggs, rye crackers and coffee with milk, in the hour of the day the owner was served hot oatmeal and clay pot with cold yogurt, at six o'clock the whole family gathered in the dining room at dinner, Tolstoy drank a glass Herbalist and the host of porridge, cutlets with herbs and pancakes. Later, Leo became a staunch vegetarian and he began to prepare special meals.
Good or bad was the way to Tolstoy's house, not judge us, but the kids as adults, not just claimed their great father "never lived to his age, if not hourly care of it the mother».

Of the famous cookbook Sofya Andreyevna Tolstoy:
Sophia Tolstaya - author of "Cookbook" - preparing the manuscript for publication. However, the publication did not take place in vivo, and forgotten manuscript of over a hundred years has lain in the archives. Tolstoy's notes about the secrets of cooking and housekeeping, in our opinion, and today have practical value.
PhD in Art History tells Nina Ivanitskaya:
- In the large family of Tolstoy were always guests. Visited relatives, friends, admirers of Leo Tolstoy. Feasts with simple and tasty treats largely determined by the hospitable atmosphere of a large home Yasnaya Polyana. The Countess was a faithful assistant to her husband.
For domestic affairs it is taken seriously, record favorite recipes of dishes every evening was the menu, which aired cook Nikolai Mikhailovich Rumyantsev. Family Tolstoy was disciplined regime enforced rigorously. We ate at Yasnaya Polyana home strictly by the hour. The morning was given to cases in which it was necessary to earn the feast. Breakfast about an hour of the day. Leo came down an hour later. "He went out into the dining room, Tolstoy, talkative, lively, with a view had time to do something and pleased with this man" - recalled his secretary. Ate porridge for breakfast, usually oatmeal with something milk: Varentsov, cheesecake or yogurt ... At six o'clock dinner was served a four-course salads, soup, meat, vegetables and coffee.
For afternoon tea with "purring samovar" in the center of table allows unhurried conversation. Dim light created an atmosphere of comfort and ease. Refreshments usual: a pie filled with fruit, dry tea biscuits, honey and jam. Between meals only allowed fruit. In his "Cookbook" Countess has collected 162 recipes of dishes that feed the family. It is a relatively little when you consider that many of the dishes: varenets, casserole, kvass, easter, drinks - have several descriptions. Recorded recipes two people - herself the Countess and her younger brother, Stepan A. Bers.
It is noteworthy that almost every recipe in the "Cookbook" is associated with family tradition, has a history ...
Recipes from the cookbook of Sophia Andreevna Tolstoy
1. The ancient recipe for almond cake:
Tasty birthday cake recipe is not very complicated to prepare and almond cake can decorate any holiday table.
Ingredients: 9 eggs, 200 grams of sugar, 200 grams sweet almonds, 20 pieces of bitter almonds
To prepare the almond cake on the need to grind the old recipe 9 egg yolks with the sugar until smooth, add the finely pounded almonds and 9 whipped to a foam proteins. All beat well. The resulting mass is baked in a not very hot oven in a greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs form, with high edges.
Ready to smear the cake with whipped cream and garnish with almonds and candied fruits.
2. Black cupcake:
Ingredients: Flour - about 4 cups (dough consistency like thick cream of wheat), kefir or yogurt - 1/2 l sugar - 1 1/2 cups, thick jam or fruit butter - 1 cup, soda - 1 tsp., Eggs - 3 pcs., butter or margarine - 200 g (or vegetable oil - 1 cup), cloves, cinnamon and star anise - 1 h. spoon with the top (if not anise, take anise or fennel) or other spices to taste (although the classic recipe is striking for its flavor).
Preparation: rub the eggs with the sugar until white, add butter, mix until smooth and add the rest. Number of flour depends on the density of eggs and jam. The dough should slowly crawl out of spoonfuls. Pour it into a mold and bake at medium heat (180 ° C) for at least one hour. Checking stick willingness to note that even when the stick is already dry, the dough can be cooked enough, so after you fruitcake seems ready, hold it in the oven for another 5-10 minutes. The package or tin box is kept up to 3 weeks.
3. Spice:
Method of preparation:
(the original recipe, with the relevant measures of weight. It is possible to translate all modern meters, remembering that 1 pound is equivalent to about 400 metric grams. But you can only understand the proportions of ingredients)
Krupitchatoy 5 pounds of flour, a pound of white honey 21/2, 21/2 pounds of red honey and 2 pounds of sugar, 2 glasses of rum and lemon peel with a five pound almonds, 1/4 pound candied fruit, a little cinnamon, cardamom and cloves. Honey Melt and cool the heat as milk and then put the sugar, 2 glasses of rum and lemon cake with five; Chop almonds, candied fruit, cinnamon, cardamom and cloves; Then put a little flour, and beat all in the course of 2 hours and at night put on the stove, and in the morning dress cakes, put on the cake for every 3 mindalinki, sprinkle iron sheet with flour and place in the oven is not very hot. That's it! Gingerbread ready!
And a few of the original (the original version, without correction!) Recipes Sofya Andreyevna:
4. Raspberry jam:
Sort out, peel raspberries; 7 cups raspberries take 7 cups of sugar. Put in a copper basin before the raspberries and sugar on top to not burnt. All the best jam in warm weather in the air on a brazier. Brewed about 3/4 hour. It is necessary to remove the pelvis, shake it to cooked berry exactly, it is necessary to shoot a film, a strainer to remove seeds who wants it. Jam should try a silver spoon on the ice, whether it is ready. Take the syrup and berries 2-3. When the syrup reaches the similarity of glycerol, the jam is ready.
5.Varene apple:
Cut the apples thin sticks, apples must be sweet. While apples are cleaned, throw them into cold water. Take a glass of sugar to a glass of apple and 1/2 stack. water. Pound stick of vanilla syrup and cook first, just to boil, then throw the apples and cook until they are translucent.
6. Cake with oranges:
make the dough, clean the six oranges, cut into thin circles, removing seeds, drag oranges in sugar. Bake the dough made of round two inches thick. Put in a dish. Zest from the oranges cut, pour two cups of water, put the sugar, 1, 5 cups of syrup and cook. Strain and dissolve it 8 gelatin plates. Cool slightly.
Slices of oranges lay in rows on the circle of dough and drink this syrup. The surface of the cake should be like glass.
7. Potato salad with tomatoes:
clean, cook in salted boiling water for potatoes. Cool, cut into circles. Take raw tomatoes, cut into circles, pouring juice; put in a salad bowl rows of potatoes and tomatoes and pinched Russian or Spanish onions. Season the sauce with two tablespoons of mustard, two tablespoons of oil anywhere, two tablespoons of vinegar (good), salt, pepper and a little sugar.
Take: 6-7 potatoes, 1 onion, 6-7 tomatoes, greens, on the sauce.
Nothing unites a family as strong as the traditional and delicious family dinners! Not casually today in Yasnaya Polyana Tolstoy come to 200 - the descendants of Leo Tolstoy and Sofya Andreyevna! And you can guess that the amazing tradition of gastronomy Tolstoy Estate plays a significant role ...

TOP - 10 useful and natural products, the entire day was cheerfully, and you are full of energy!
French cuisine. HISTORY. TRADITIONS. Custom. DISHES.