No, we do not need to drink 8 glasses of water a day
It is believed that health should drink 2, 5 liters of clean water per day, plus or minus half a liter, depending on the weight and physical activity. All media in one voice told that drinking less - bad; need to drink even when you do not want. Professor of Pediatrics and author Aaron Carroll (Aaron E. Carroll) believes that significant scientific evidence that there is.
Nevertheless recommendations work. They work because they play on our fear that if the body is not getting enough water, begin serious health problems.
The medical journal BMJ nine years ago published a list of popular myths about health, which all believe. Myth of 8 glasses of water took first place
Recommendations about 2, 5 liters of water - or rather, about as much we need. But most of the water contained in food, vegetables, fruits, tea and coffee.
If you rarely want to drink and experience that with you that something is wrong, do not worry: the body will signal long before dehydration. A tangible evidence that the more water we drink, the cleaner will skin or healthier kidney, no. For kidney excess water even harmful, they can "overload».
Drinking plenty of water is necessary, only when our body for whatever reason actively loses water: during the illness, while excessive sweating (which is a reason to see a doctor) or intense physical exertion.
But we carry a bottle of water to take a drink "on schedule." Every year, sales of bottled water are growing.
Do you feel that you want to drink - a drink. But about 8 "mandatory" glasses of water a day, you can not think.
According to the materials nytimes
Translation and adaptation of the Website
Photos in the preview: Nicola Genesin
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