The couple decided to show his son to Europe and traveled 28,000 kilometers
Rather than give a globe and a map of the world to his four-year-son, Mihai Barbu and his wife, Olga decided to make the boy is much more fun geography lesson and went into a joint trip to Europe. As the vehicle parents chose the motorcycle and thus have visited 41 countries.
< Website I admire the courage of this couple, and invites you to enjoy scenes from this extraordinary trip.
Scotia h3>
Somewhere in Austria h3>
The best food in the world h3>
The game is at the tent h3>
The ferry from Tallinn to Helsinki h3>
Endless road in Finland h3>
Love in Lofoten, Norway h3>
Norway h3>
Morning in France h3>
Porto, Portugal h3>
Spain h3>
Overnight in Spain h3>
The meeting with a monkey in Morocco h3>
On the roof of the hotel in Morocco h3>
Again ferry h3>
The mountains of Italy h3>
Montenegro h3>
The last car park - in Greece h3>
Map journey that started in Bucharest, Romania h3>
The last sticker h3>
< Website I admire the courage of this couple, and invites you to enjoy scenes from this extraordinary trip.
Scotia h3>
Somewhere in Austria h3>
The best food in the world h3>
The game is at the tent h3>
The ferry from Tallinn to Helsinki h3>
Endless road in Finland h3>
Love in Lofoten, Norway h3>
Norway h3>
Morning in France h3>
Porto, Portugal h3>
Spain h3>
Overnight in Spain h3>
The meeting with a monkey in Morocco h3>
On the roof of the hotel in Morocco h3>
Again ferry h3>
The mountains of Italy h3>
Montenegro h3>
The last car park - in Greece h3>
Map journey that started in Bucharest, Romania h3>
The last sticker h3>
via www.boredpanda.com/romanian-family-travels-across-europe-with-4-year-old-mihai-barbu/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=BPFacebook
No, we do not need to drink 8 glasses of water a day
The artist creates from memory detailed cityscapes