Day Night wiser

Arcadia dreamed that he was flying over the Grand Canyon, and down smartly brings Colorado River water. Strictly speaking, maybe it was not a canyon, but in the dream he liked to think so. Some small animals at the bottom seems to be tearing the prey, but bald eagles Arkady was not the case before them. He soared majestically, imperceptible movement of the wings catching updrafts. Seeing a decent production, Arkady rushed down. Suddenly his start wiggling distract tickling feathers head, literally screwed into the brain, and a strange numbness that started to cover the left wing. "I'll have to fly to the ranch Sam, checked" - Arkady thought - but at this point he was faced with an invisible barrier and fell into the abyss.
In his ear measured nozzles girl Anya bend under him, and his left arm in a businesslike throwing their neighboring graceful limbs on the trunk of Arcadia. Saliva from the corner of her mouth finest crystal brook running down on the pillow. He gently freed from grasping tentacles, I slipped into the kitchen and put the kettle on. "How to tell her to dump as well? Even the reason does not bitch. If only changed, or what. " He did not like her Arkady from the start to engage in sex, just not forgotten, and the sex itself was measured as breathing Ani, which, in truth, was sickeningly friendly and marvelously unpretentious, and to take a decisive move unexcused envisioned it unreasonably brutal and tactless. On tiptoe, I came out of the kitchen, he crept to the desktop, pulled out the bottom drawer of the file with the inscription "Urgent - October 2011" and returned just as the kettle to boil. Sipping green sheet №95 with saltine crackers a bit of sugar, he leafed through drawings and sketches, and thought, "the monk. Today. Included. And then invite Nastya ". To invite it is not well represented, with eychary Nastya they are very cute smile, if it happened to cross in the hallway or at lunch time, but to talk, somehow do not tuck a convenient excuse.
At exactly 9:00 Arkady fluids exuding boundless optimism, came to his home office, beamed colleagues, extremely friendly nod went down Svetochka secretary and took his seat. Completion date of the annual report for the 2015 fire burned the writing on the desktop of his computer. Piliknul Bang sms Coy phone. "Honey, buy cheese and tomatoes. A Tseluyu.Tvoya »
"Well - he thought - but tomorrow - for sure." And open the file with the report.