Love the implementation of heat:

The heat will tend to push all of you that is not yours, or that do not support you, because the heat as a physical experience - love yourself as you are united with the Creator. It unites you with the harmony of all beings, and this will tend to create a greater sense of harmony with all things. You can better observe it next to your friends or other people, so they can feel more relaxed around you, or the situation may become more harmonious. What was once worried or upset, it ceases to bother you so much, because the heat creates energy, not only for the love of yourself, but of harmony. Remember that harmony is very important. You may also notice that the animals will react to you differently.
Sex - a minute or a minute gently rub your thumb your hand. While you're doing this, do not be distracted by other things. Just focus your attention on your fingertips. Close your eyes and feel the thumb slowly t your hand. Note that when you do this, the physical attention shifted to that part of your body. Now you can relax and move its same physical attention to another location, for example, in the - into the chest where your heart or the solar plexus or abdomen - and then you can actually feel and see how you produce heat. < br /> You need one or two minutes to find it warm. When you find it, log in to the feeling of warmth and feel it more, just stay with it. Stay with this feeling of warmth. Feel it for a few minutes so that you can remember the method and, most importantly, so that your body will be able to create memories, the physical memory of how he feels and how you should feel it. Heat may come in different parts of your body, perhaps once on the left side of the chest, it may be some other time in the right part of the abdomen or elsewhere around. Wherever you feel it, just let it be there. Do not attempt to move it around, let it stay in the place where there is at the moment. Whenever it comes, and you will feel the warmth, sign in and try to feel it anymore.
When are you going to do it, make sure that you are alone and in silence, not when you are driving a car or doing anything that requires your full attention. Once you make the heat for five minutes, or as much as you need to, relax and think about this: Heat is the physical proof of the love of self. Many of you have read over the years about how we need to love yourself, or do other mental exercises that are useful to give you permission to love yourself. In fact, this method does not simply say, "I love myself." Rather, it is a real physical experience of loving yourself in full manner, and there are things that you can do to maintain it. But in my experience and the way of learning, it is the easiest method.